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青蛙与蟾蜍,有益于健康的宠物,第2版Frogs and Toads : Your Happy Healthy PetTM, 2nd Edition

青蛙与蟾蜍,有益于健康的宠物,第2版Frogs and Toads : Your Happy Healthy PetTM, 2nd Edition

最 低 价:¥99.00

定 价:¥110.00

作 者:SteveGrenard 著

出 版 社:


I S B N:9780470165102




  The authoritative information and advice you need, illustrated throughout with full-color photographs—now revised and redesigned to be even more reader-friendly!
  Frogs and toads are perennial favorite pets. They include easy-to-care for breeds and intriguing, exotic varieties. For both first-time pet owners and life-long hobbyists, frogs and toads can make fascinating pets, but it is essential to learn how to care for them properly. With colorful photos, charts, and tables, this guide covers the basics, including:
  Choosing your frog or toad
  Creating and maintaining your pet's new habitat
  Feeding and caring for your frog or toad
  Keeping your pet healthy
  You'll also learn about the varieties of frogs and toads, and about their existence in the wild.

  STEVE GRENARD is an avid herpetologist with more than 40 years of experience with amphibians and reptiles.He is also the author of Bearded Dragon,Your Happy Healthy Pet,Second Edition.



Part 1: All About Frogs and Toads
Chapter 1:What Are Frogs and Toads?
  So Many Frogs and Toads
  Classifying Frogs and Toads
  What's the Difference Between a Frog and a Toad?
Chapter 2: Frog Anatomy
Limbs and Locomotion
Frog Senses
Frog Skin
  Temperature Regulation
Chapter 3: Choosing Your Frog or Toad
  Where to Get Your Frog or Toad
  Before You Bring Your Frog Home
  Choosing a Healthy Frog
  Wild Caught vs. Captive Bred
Part 2: Caring for Frogs and Toads
Chapter 4: Housing Your Frog or Toad
  Terrariums for Land Dwellers
  Aquariums for Aquatic Frogs
  Aqua-Terrariums for Semiaquatic Frogs
  Like Water for Frogs
Water Essentials
  Temperature Control
Chapter 5: Feeding Your Frog or Toad
  How Much Food?
  Feeding Tadpoles
ChaDter 6: Keeping Your Frog or Toad Healthy
Life Span in Captivity
  Choosing a Veterinarian
  The Best Way to Avoid Problems
Infectious Microbial Diseases
Nutritional Disorders
  Chemical intoxication
  Traumatic Injuries
  Handling Frogs and Toads
  Froggy Dangers to People
Part 3:Frogs and Toads in our World
Chapter 7:The Variety of Frogs and Toads
Disc or Flat.Tongued Frogs
Talied Frogs
Dart.Poison Frogs
Poison Frogs as Pets
Glass fFrogs
Tree Frogs
TropicaI Frogs
Narrow.Mouthed Toads
Spadefoot Toads
Surinam Toads and African Clawed Frogs
True IFrogs
Chapter 8:Frogs and Toads in the Wild
Size and Growth
Reproduction in Frogs and Toads
Frog Communication
Hibernation and Aestivation
Releasing Frogs and TOads into the Wild
Frogs,Toads,and the Law
Protecting Frogs and TOads
Appendix:Learning More About Your
Frog or Toad
Some Good Books
Internet Resources
Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians
Shows,Expos,and Swap Meets
Shopping on the Internet




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