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高血压指南,第2版High Blood Pressure for Dummies, 2nd Edition

高血压指南,第2版High Blood Pressure for Dummies, 2nd Edition

最 低 价:¥167.40

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作 者:Alan L., MD Rubin 著

出 版 社:


I S B N:9780470137512



  Alan L. Rubin, MD, is a physician in private practice and the author of the bestselling Diabetes For Dummies, Diabetes Cookbook For Dummies, and Thyroid For Dummies.


Are you battling high blood pressure? This updated guide explains all the latest breakthroughs in the detection, treatment, and prevention of high blood pressure, helping you determine whether you're at risk and develop a diet and exercise program to keep your blood pressure at healthy levels. You'll also find new information on protecting your heart, kidneys, and brain and dealing with secondary high blood pressure.
  Measure your blood pressure properly
  Develop a successful treatment plan
  Improve your lifestyle habits
  Evaluate new drug therapies
  Find resources and outside support



Part I: Understanding High Blood Pressure.
 Chapter 1: Introducing High Blood Pressure.
 Chapter 2: Detecting High Blood Pressure.
 Chapter 3: Determining Whether You’re at Risk.
 Chapter 4: Dealing with Secondary High Blood Pressure.
Part II: Considering the Medical Consequences.
 Chapter 5: Defending Your Heart.
 Chapter 6: Shielding Your Kidneys.
 Chapter 7: Protecting Your Brain.
Part III: Treating (Or Preventing) High Blood Pressure.
 Chapter 8: Developing a Successful Treatment Plan.
 Chapter 9: Choosing Foods that Lower High Blood Pressure.
 Chapter 10: Keeping Salt Out of Your Diet.
 Chapter 11: Avoiding Tobacco, Alcohol, and Caffeine.
 Chapter 12: Lowering Blood Pressure with Exercise.
 Chapter 13: Adding Drug Therapy.
Part IV: Taking Care of Special Populations.
 Chapter 14: Helping the Elderly.
 Chapter 15: Handling High Blood Pressure in Children.
 Chapter 16: Treating High Blood Pressure in Women.
Part V: The Part of Tens.
 Chapter 17: Ten Simple Ways to Prevent or Reduce High Blood Pressure.
 Chapter 18: Ten (Or So) Myths about High Blood Pressure.
 Chapter 19: Ten New Discoveries about High Blood Pressure.
Appendix: Resources for the Latest Information.




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