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The Writers Harbrace Handbook with InfoTrac

The Writers Harbrace Handbook with InfoTrac

最 低 价:¥31.80

定 价:¥289.50

作 者:Cheryl (Cheryl Glenn) Glenn,Robert Keith Miller,Suzanne Strobeck Webb,Loretta Gray

出 版 社:Wadsworth Publishing


I S B N:9780838403389



"I would describe the Harbrace as a handbook that seems more rhetorically sophisticated and in-depth than other handbooks I have used.""How to describe the new Harbrace? Old Professor Hodges would roll over in his grave! ItÂ's still comprehensive, but now itÂ's hip, too. The perfect blend of advice about sentence construction and e-composing.""How to describe the new Harbrace? Old Professor Hodges would roll over in his grave! It's still comprehensive, but now it's hip, too. The perfect blend of advice about sentence construction and e-composing.""If I were to describe the Writer's Harbrace to a colleague, I would say that it takes an explicitly rhetorical approach to writing in different academic situations. I would say that the grammar and diction chapters use cutting-edge approaches to teaching students how to identify and correct grammar problems and enhance their prose style. I was happy to see that the rhetorical approach to teaching grammar and style I have been using for the past two years (especially) is now "standardized" in a handbook.""I was floored to see references to a Writing Center, one of the most marginalized of academic entities, but possibly the most useful and praiseworthy room on any campus. This proves that the authors are really concerned with reading and writing."


Bringing fresh voices and insight to the compact yet comprehensive WRITER S HARBRACE HANDBOOK, Second Edition, rhetorician Cheryl Glenn and linguist Loretta Gray provide this market-leading handbook with groundbreaking treatment of writing.






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