The Corner of Rife and Pacific coniesfrom deep within the American grain.In this, his thirteenth novel, ThomasSavage returns to Grayling, Montana,at the beginning of the century, to thetragic Indians, to the great ranchersand citizens of a gentler time who al-ready feel the promise--and the threat--of the future. There is Zack Metlen,whose family has, in the course of asingle generation, tumbled from pros-perity, from twenty thousand acres,expensive motor cars, and jewels, tonear indigence. And above all, there is Anne Chap-man, whose beauty is such that a manmight never see its like again. Hers is abeauty that confounds and inspires.But more: She has the courage of herblood and defends what she loves byabsolutely flouting convention at atime when convention is a dangerouspower to flout. |