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English Poetry of the Seventeenth Century Longman Literature in English Series

English Poetry of the Seventeenth Century Longman Literature in English Series

最 低 价:¥42.90

定 价:¥365.60

作 者:George Parfitt

出 版 社:Longman Group United Kingdom


I S B N:9780582084377



Reviews of the first edition: '..undergraduates could well find their map of seventeenth-century verse usefully altered by it.' British Book News '..a successful and consistently interesting book which will serve the needs of both students of literature and history.' Literature and History 'This is the kind of book students need... the size of the survey is admirable.' English


Provides a comprehensive and entertaining account of the vitality and variety of achievement in seventeenth-century English poetry. Revised and up-dated throughout, Dr Parfitt has added new material on poets as varied as Marvell and Traherne. There is also a completely new chapter on women poets of the seventeenth century which considers the significant contributions of writers such as Katherine Philips and Margaret Cavendish. The proven quality and success of Dr Parfitt s survey makes this the essential companion for the teacher and student of seventeenth-century verse.






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