最 低 价:¥707.20
定 价:¥1088.00
作 者:Henry R. Black 著 著
出 版 社:Oversea Publishing House
I S B N:9781416030539
SECTION 1: epidemiology and pathophysiology 1 Epidemiology of Hypertension 2 Genetics of Hypertension 3 Pathophysiology of Hypertension SECTION 2: Diganosis 4 Defining Hypertension 5 Office Blood Pressure Measurement 6 Home Monitoring of Blood Pressure 7 Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in Hypertension 8 Secondary Hypertension: Renovascular Hypertension 9 Secondary Hypertension: Mineralocorticoid Excess States 10 Secondary Hypertension: Pheochromocytoma 11 Secondary Hypertension: Sleep Apnea 12 Rare and Unusual Forms of Hypertension SECTION 3: Risk Stratification 13 The Natural History of Untreated Hypertension 14 The Special Problem of Isolated Systolic Hypertension 15 Assessment of Hypertensive Target Organ Damage 16 Prediction of Global Cardiovascular Risk in Hypertension SECTION 4 Treatment 17 Diet and Blood Pressure 18 Diuretic Therapy in Cardiovascular Disease 19 β-Blocker in hypertension 20 Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors 21 Angiotensin Receptor Blockers 22 Calcium Channel Blockers in Hypertension 23 R-Blockers 24 New and Investigational Drugs for Hypertension SECTION 5 Outcome Studies SECTION 6 Hypertension and Concomitant Diseases SECTION 7 Special Populations and Special Stuations SECTION 8 Hypertension Treatment in the Future SECTION 9 Guidelines INDEX |