最 低 价:¥170.30
定 价:¥262.00
作 者:Brent M. Egan 著 著
出 版 社:Oversea Publishing House
I S B N:9781560535782
Section I. General Evaluation of the Hypertensive Patient 1. Initial Evaluation of Blood Pressure 2. The Use of Home Blood Pressure Monitors in Practice 3. Urine Microalbumin: For Diabetics Only? Section II. Target Organ Evaluation in the Hypertensive Patient 4. Evaluation of Cardiac Structure and Function 5. Assessment of Renal Function in Hypertension 6. Renal Artery Occlusive Disease in Hypertension 7. Carotid and Peripheral Vascular Disease Section III. Screening and Diagnosis of Selected~Secondary Causes of Hypertension 8. Sleep Apnea: The Not So Silent Epidemic 9. Primary Aldosteronism Section IV. Management of Hypertension: Goals and Objectives 10. Treating to Goal Blood Pressure 11. High Normal Blood Pressure 12 Patient-related Barriers to Hypertension Contro 13. Hypertension Control: Focus on Providers 14. Culturally Congruent Medical Care Section V. Lifestyle Approaches: Translating Research into Practice! 15. Promoting Lifestyle Modification in the Office Setting 16. Dietary Cations and Hypertension 17. Nutrition, Dietary Supplements, and Nutraceuticals in Hypertension 18 Comorbid Depression and Hypertension-related Chronic Medical Conditions 19. Management of Obesity 20. Physical Activity for Patients with Hypertension 21. Behavioral Approaches in Blood Pressure Reduction …… |