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NEW HOTLINE PRE-INTER WB(新热线英语:初中级教程练习册)

NEW HOTLINE PRE-INTER WB(新热线英语:初中级教程练习册)

最 低 价:¥94.50

定 价:¥105.00

作 者:

出 版 社:人民军医出版社


I S B N:9780194357647




  this is the workbook of [b]new hotline[/b] (pre-intermediate).
  [i]new hotline[/i] is a revised edition of [i]hotline[/i], the highly successful english course for teenagers. [i]new hotline[/i] retains all the strengths of the original course reinforces and updated with the additional of new and improved features.
  the four-level course may be started at beginner level ([i]new hotline started[/i]) or false beginner level ([i]new hotline elementary[/i]). [i]new hotline[/i] will take students to an intermediate level of english.
  its key features are:
  * a loopback syllabus. the course incorporates extensive recycling and revision of language, ensuring that what is studied is learnt, remembered and easily recalled when needed.
  * a grammar-based analytical approach. grammar is treated as a problem-solving activity and students are treated as [i]thinkers [/i]who are guided to work out the rules of grammar for themselves. a clear and comprehensive grammar reference section is provided for reinforcement.
  * skills work. all the four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking are covered.
  * project work. through project work students are given the opportunity to talk and write about their life and to relate language to their own experience and aspirations.
  * cross-cultural and cross-curricular studies. students are encouraged to compare their own language and culture to that of english and the world of english speakers. topics from other school subjects are introduced to integrate language studies with other subjects in the curriculum.
  * learner training. through a variety of activities including the learning to learn sections, a learning diary, self-checks and project work students are guided towards good learning strategies and encouraged to accept responsibility for their own learning.
  the student’s book for each level is accompanied by a teacher’s book, a workbook, and a set of two audio cassettes. the teacher’s book contains detailed lesson notes, keys to the student’s book and workbook activities, tapescripts, and end of unit tests. the workbook contains additional practice material related to all the sections of the student’s book. the cassettes provide recordings for the listening and pronunciation activities and for the end of unit tests. the reading texts are also recorded.


Tom Hutchinson has taught English in the UK, Germany, and Croatia, and he has given teacher training courses in many other countries around the world. For a number of years he lectured at the Institute for English Language Education at Lancaster University, UK.

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