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Escape from the Herd

Escape from the Herd

最 低 价:¥30.00

定 价:¥156.00

作 者:Daniel Frishberg,Laura A. Baker

出 版 社:Bizradio Press


I S B N:9780977754908

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    ESCAPE FROM THE HERD: SECRETS OF THE SUPER RICH "Dan Frishberg s wisdom, inspiration, and humor brings important unexpected messages. A wonderful book." - Elaine Garzarelli, stock market quantitative analyst The feisty red-head, Franny Gold, took a job as a massage therapist at the Houston High Rise Athletic Club with one question on her mind, "How did these guys get so rich?" All the men have a different answer but it s not until Franny meets Dan the Moneyman, a Wall Street whiz, that she really discovers the secrets of the super rich. From the slaughterhouse of investment middlemen to the reliable profits of bonds, Dan tells it like it is. He calls the herd a herd and points out the real nature of today s market. Absorbing Dan s advice while kneading his biceps, Franny Gold begins to step into her own power as a financial world citizen. Listen like a fly on the wall during these massage sessions as Dan opens wide the inner workings of his mind and guides an intelligent working class woman through the maze of self-disciplined investment strategies. Franny s life is never boring. She must also contend with the art of courtship in this day and age. Her mysterious and enticing neighbor, Gideon, provides a very human arena for Franny to practice the discipline that her mentor teaches- mind over emotions. With an insightful Foreword by Tobin Smith, Escape from the Herd: Secrets of the Super Rich won t leave your hands from start to finish. "In the end, readers will have no trouble embracing the book s principal point, that success comes not to those trying to predict the future (which is unknowable) but, rather, to people who are consistently ahead of those who think they can." - Mike Norman, Fox News Channel, Founder, Economic Contrarian Update Daniel Frishberg grew up in New York City and as a young boy, he ran errands at brokerage houses on Wall Street and Madison Avenues, spending as many hours around traders as possible. Here he developed an understanding of financial markets that contribute to his incisive lessons on investing to millions around the globe. Today, Daniel Frishberg, who is also co-founder of Frishberg Jordan Stewart & Kaleta, a firm approaching $200 million under management, heads one of the fastest growing radio networks in the country: Bizradio Network, broadcasting in Houston and Dallas. He developed the persona of "The MoneyMan" a daily radio show, where he now shares his thoughts on money and life with an ever-growing radio audience. Frishberg s website, http://www.bizradionetwork.net provides a series of marketing seminars, a Webbased educational marketing tool as well as free Ipod downloads. For a media appointment with Dan Frishberg, please contact Darlene March 1-949-975-1858, ext. 260, e-mail: marchmedia@yahoo.com






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