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Parables For The Present

Parables For The Present

最 低 价:¥26.40

定 价:¥119.90

作 者:Christine Fleming Heffner

出 版 社:Hawthorn Books


I S B N:9780801557125





The fundamental ideas presented in Parables for the Present are not new. In fact, most are truisms old enough to have been forgotten by most of us, or at least to be ignored while we deal with more exciting and dramatic -- but less imporant -- matters. Yet they are precisely the kinds of things most people need and want to be reminded of. It would be foolish to abandon them while we wait, starving, for the radically new kind of food for living which we are told that technology may provide in the incredible automat of the future. What has proved to be true, helpful, comforting, or strengthening doesn t need to be replaced, but it may need to be restated. These parables are simply such restatements. They are terse figures of speech, each making one point that is worth thinking about or that is worth being reiterated, even when we already know it. The parables deal with the present or the recent past, with such features of life as teapots, travel, and targets; as algebra, astigmatism, and atomic scientists; as doctors and dollars; as patriotism and wrapping paper. But while the stories are of things we mostly take for granted, they point to matters as old and as relevant as the human race, as important as the business of learning to be human, learning to be humane, learning to be happy. Christine Fleming Heffner had her first published work at the age of twelve. Since that time she has written hundreds of articles and poems and several books, including The Way of Light and With All Our Hearts. She was for several years an editor of the magazine The Living Church.






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