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the wonderful wizard of oz

the wonderful wizard of oz

最 低 价:¥31.50

原   价:¥35.00




Dorothy is afarm girl from Kansas.An argument with her aunt and uncle ends when a eyelone bolws the house away and carries Dorothy to the magieal Land of Oz.There she stumbles upon the small and oddly dressed Munchkins,who thank her for killin the Wicked Witch of the East-freeing them form bondage.Dorothy assures the Munchkis that she has killed no one and is stunned to see the witch's silver shoes pointiing out form beneath her house.The Yellow-Brick Road will lead Dorothy to the Wizard of Oz-the only person who can help her return home.But she must look out for the Wicked Witch of the West.who will do anything to avenge her sister.

作者简介:L.Frank Baum was born east of Syracuse,in Chitrenange,N.Y.,in 1856.He was a sickly child with a heart condition.While the other boys played,he was often confined to his room,where he read and edveloped his storytelling abilities.The family moved to the Rose LAswn Estate after his father found wealth in the oil business.His paretary school to cure his idleness,but he returned home shortly there after for bealth reasons.Baum's introduetion to theater came when he managed theater houses owned by his father.He tried his hand at writing.Always a breat storyteller,he was encouraged to publish Mother Coose in Prose for children.In 1900,he published The Wonderful Wizord The Wonderful Wizard of Oz-his most notable work.The book was so successful that he went on to write 17 sequels.He died in 1919,not knowing that "Oz"-his most notable work.The book was so successful that he went on to write 17 sequels.He died in 1919,not knowing that "Oz"would one day beecome a staple of Americam popular eulture.

1.The Cyclone
2.The Council whth the Munchkins
3.How Dorothy Saved the Scarecrow
4.The Road Through the Forest
5.The Rescue of the Tin Wookman
6.The Cowardly Lion
7.The Journey to the Great Oz
8.The Deadly Poppy Field
9.The Queen of the Field Mice
10.The Guardian of the Gate
11.The Wonderful City of Oz
12.The Search for the Wicked Witch
13.The Resue
14.The Winged Monkeys
15.The Discovery of Oz,the Terrible
16.The Magic Art of the Great Humbug
17.How the Blloon Was Launched
18.Away to the Southe
19.Attacked by the Fighting Trees
20.The Dainty China Country
21.The Lion Becomes the King of Beasts
22.The Country of the Quadlings
23.Glinda The Gook Witch Grants Dorothy's Wish
24.Home Again




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