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PAPT 1 General Issues Introduction THINKING LIKE A RESEARCHER SCIENCE IN CONTEXT The Scientific Method SCIENTIFIC AND EVERYDAY APPROACHES GOALS OF THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD SCINETIFIC THEORY CONSTRUCTION Ethical Issues in the Conduct of Psychological Research INTRODUCTIONS ETHICAL ISSUES TO CONSIDER BEFORE THE RISK/BENEFIT RATIO DECEPTION IN PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH DEBRIEFING RESEARCH WITH ANIMALS REPORTING OF PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH STEPS FOR ETHICAL DECISION MAKING PAPT 2 Desciptive Mtehods Observation …… Survey Research Unobtrusive Measures of Behavior PAPT 3 Experimental Methods Independent Groups Designs Repeated Measures Designs Complex Designs PAPT 4 Applied Research Single-Case Research Designs Quasi-Experimental Designs and Program Evaluation PAPT 5 Analyzing and Reporting Research Data Amalysis and Interpretation:Part I Describing Data,Confidence Intervals,Correlation Data Amalysis and Interpretation:Part II Tests of Statistical Significance and the Analysis Story Communication in PSychology |