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1 statistics:the arithmetic of uncertainty 1.1 what is statistics? 1.2 why study statistics? 1.3 definition of terms 1.4 descriptive statistics 1.5 inferential statistics 1.6 fundamentals of research 1.7 goals of research 1.8 putting if aii together:a case of statistical sieutning 2 basic concepts 2.1 introduction 2.2 the grammar of statistical notation …… 3 exploratory data analysis,frequency distributions,and percentiles 4 measures of central tendency 5 measures of dispersion 6 the standard normal distirbution 7 graphs and tables 8 correlation 9 regression and prediction 10 probability:the foundation of inferential statistics 11 introduction to statictical inference 12 statistical inference:single samples 13 statictical inference:two-sample case 14 an introduction to the analysis of veriance 15 the two-factor analysis of variance 16 analysis of variance with correlated samples 17 analysis of categorical data:X2 and binomial tests 18 statistical inference:ordinally scaled variables B symbol goossary C handbook of fundamental D statistical tables Credits answers to selected exercieses |