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OCP Oracle8i SQL&PL/SQL 考试学习指南(英文版)

OCP Oracle8i SQL&PL/SQL 考试学习指南(英文版)

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作 者:(美)Jason S.Couchman

出 版 社:机械工业出版社

出版时间:2002 年1月

I S B N:711109462X




This book is divided into two units, the first containing preparatory material for the Oracle8i Introduction to SQL and PL/SQL exam--part of Oracle's Oracle8i DBA certification track. The first unit has six chapters, each containing several discussions that focus on a particular topic or subtopic objective listed by the Oracle Certified Professional Oracle8i DBA Track Candidate Guide. (For a complete listing of all the topics on the candidate guide, check the Introduction.) These discussions are followed by a For Review section, each listing the three or four most important concepts for you to retain from the discussion. After the review, you'll see two to six exercise questions in exam-based multiple-choice or short answer format. Following the
  questions you will find an answer key for those questions, which should help you master the material even more quickly. Thus, with this book you're never more than a few pages away from demonstrating what you've learned about Oracle8i SQL and PL/SQL for the OCP exam. At the end of each chapter, you will find a short summary of what was covered in the chapter, followed by a Two--Minute Drill. The Two-Minute Drill contains another bullet list of fast facts to review, or"crib notes" for the days leading up to your OCP exam. The chapters conclude with 12-20 short--answer and exam-based multiple-choice questions designed to help you further to test your
  understanding of the materials you learned in the chapter.



part i
preparing for ocp dba exam i: sql and pl/sql
1 selecting data from oracle
overview of sql and pl/sql
writing basic sql statements
restricting and sorting row data
using single-row functions
chapter summary
two--minute drill
fill-in-the-blank questions
chapter questions
fill-in-the-blank answers
answers to chapter questions
2 advanced data selection in oracle
displaying data from multiple tables
group functions and their uses
.using subqueries
multiple-column subqueries
producing readable output with sql*plus
chapter summary
two-minute drill
fiil-in-the-blank questions
chapter questions
fill-in-the-blank answers
answers to chapter questions
3 creating oracle database objects
creating the tables of an oracle database
including constraints
the oracle data dictionary
manipulating oracle data
chapter summary
two--minute drill
fill-in-the-blank questions
chapter questions
fill-in-the-blank answers
answers to chapter questions
4 creating other database objects in oracle
creating views
other database objects
user access control
chapter summary
two-minute drill
fill-in-the-blank questions
chapter questions
fill-in-the-blank answers
answers to chapter questions
5 introducing pl/sql
overview of pl/sql
writing executable statements
writing control structures
chapter summary
two-minute drill
chapter questions
fill-in-the-blank answers
answers to chapter questions
6 database programming with pl/sql
interacting with the oracle database
working with composite datatypes
explicit cursor handling
understanding advanced explicit cursor concepts
error handling
chapter summary
two-minute drill
chapter questions
fill-in-the-blank answers
answers to chapter questions
part ii
ocp oracle8i dba practice exams
7 ocp exam i: introduction to sql and pl/sql
practice exam 1
practice exam 2
practice exam 3
answers to practice exam 1
answers to practice exam 2
answers to practice exam 3




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