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作 者:(美)Joseph Phillips

出 版 社:机械工业出版社

出版时间:2011 年1月

I S B N:9787111325949



  阐述了如何成功管理一个项目,并包含了CornpTIA Prolect+考试的相关知识。


本书阐述了如何成功管理一个项目,并包含了comptia project+考试的相关知识。本书论述了it项目管理从开始到结束的整个过程,涉及启动项目、选择优秀团队成员、与管理层合作、建立沟通、制定切实可行的时间表、跟踪预算和结束项目的成功方法,并包括保证项目按时交付并在预算之内的关键策略。
  comptia project+考试模拟题;


Joseph Phillips 曾获得PMP、CompTIA Project+认证,是Project Seminars(一家PMI注册教育提供商)的教育主管。他曾经为科技、制药、制造、建筑等行业的项目提供管理和咨询服务。作为一位经验丰富的项目管理顾问,他为各种企业和机构创建项目办公室、成熟度模型和最佳实践的标准化。作为成人教育的领路人,他教授企业如何成功地推行项目管理方法、IT项目管理、风险管理等。同时,他还任教于哥伦比亚学院、芝加哥大学、印第安纳大学。他是一名认证讲师,曾辅导了10 000多名专业技术人员。他出版了30多本有关科.. << 查看详细


1 initiating the project
defining the project management life cycle
initiating the project
planning the project
executing the project
monitoring and controlling the project
closing the project
gathering project information
establishing the project requirements
possessing multiple personas
no other choices?
interviewing management
interviewing the stakeholders
identifying the project needs
creating reasonable expectations
creating the project charter
project charter elements
finding the completion date
.initiating processes and the comptia project+ exam
q&a chapter quiz
chapter exercises
quiz answers
exercise solutions
2 planning the project
how to plan
defining the business need
creating a feasibility study
creating the business case
writing the project scope statement
establishing project priority
obtaining budget dollars
creating an approach
create a milestone list
manage the planning
contingency plans
planning processes and the comptia project+ exam
q&a chapter quiz
chapter exercises
quiz answers
exercise solutions
3 working with management
defining the organizational structure
working in a functional organization
working in a matrix organization
working in a projectized organization
presenting the project to management
start at the end
the wiifm principle
tailor the presentation
role of a salesperson
defining management's role
how projects get initiated
management theories
delegate duties
focusing on the results
inventing a project kickoff
set the stage
how management fits in
defining the purpose
creating management alliances
working together
following organizational governance
dealing with challenging bosses
working with good bosses
management and the comptia project+ exam
q&a chapter quiz
chapter exercises
quiz answers
exercise solutions
4 managing the project scope
creating the project scope
gathering requirements through communications
writing the project scope statement
defining the work breakdown structure
working with a wbs
coordinating wbs components
defining a wbs approach
the mechanics of creating a wbs
why you need a wbs
creating a wbs dictionary
obtaining stakeholder approval
presenting to the project sponsor
presenting to key stakeholders
scope management and the comptia project+ exam
q&a chapter quiz
chapter exercises
quiz answers
exercise solutions
5 creating the budget
budget basics
determine the estimate type
implementing bottom-up cost estimates
allowance for change
creating a pert estimate
using top-down estimating
using analogous estimating
using parametric modeling
budget at completion
zero-based budgeting
determining project expenses
the cost of goods
estimating work hours
tracking budgetary expenses
runaway projects
keeping track of expenses
project budgets and the comptia project+ exam
q&a chapter quiz
chapter exercises
quiz answers
exercise solutions
6 building the project plan
building the project plans
project plan documents
creating the project scope management plan
defining the project schedule management plan
building the network diagram
analyzing the project network diagram
creating the project cost management plan
planning for project quality
preparing for managing a project team
writing the project communications management plan
planning for project risk management
building the project procurement management plan
planning and the comptia project+ exam
q&a chapter quiz
chapter exercises
quiz answers
exercise solutions
7 organizing a project team
assessing internal skills
identifying resource requirements
experience is the best barometer
resumes and skill assessments
create a roles and responsibilities matrix
learning is hard work
creating a team
defining project manager power
hello! my name is
where do you live?
building relationships
interviewing potential team members
why you need interviews
how to interview
managing team issues
dealing with team disagreements
phases of team development
project management is not a democracy
dealing with personalities
use experience
disciplining team members
using external resources
finding an excellent it vendor
interviewing the vendor
organizing a project team and the comptia project+ exam
q&a chapter quiz
chapter exercises
quiz answers
exercise solutions
8 managing teams
leading the team
establishing the project authority
mechanics of leading a team
decision making
working with team members
team meetings
meeting frequency
meeting purpose
using a meeting coordinator
meeting minutes
maintaining team leadership
background and experience
working toward the finish
commitment from the project team's managers
project completion and team members' growth
motivating the team
understanding motivation
what team members need
theorizing on management and leadership
managing a project team and the comptia project+ exam
q&a chapter quiz
chapter exercises
quiz answers
exercise solutions
9 implementing the project plan
reviewing assignments with the project team
focus on the work
hosting a project status meeting
tracking progress
creating a reporting process
status collecting tools
tracking financial obligations
tracking actual costs
determining earned value
controlling finances
calculating the cost performance index
calculating the scheduled performance index
predicting project performance
calculating the to-complete performance index
executing the project and the comptia project+ exam
q&a chapter quiz
chapter exercises
quiz answers
exercise solutions
10 revising the project pian
defining the need for revision
establishing change control
impacts of change
project change request
change impact statement
internal project trouble
implementing project changes
changes from internal forces
changes from external forces
negotiate for tiered structures
extension of time for delivery
issue management meetings
delaying a project
coping with vendor delays
rebuilding management support
focus and refocus
renewal of commitment
revising the project and the comptia project+ exam
q&a chapter quiz
chapter exercises
quiz answers
exercise solutions
11 enforcing quality
defining quality
quality of the deliverables
producing a service
producing goods
quality vs. grade
quality of the process
managing the quality
project information center
web solutions
software solutions
quality management as a process
quality phases of project management
ensuring quality throughout the project
planning for quality
traditional quality assurance
traditional quality control
implementing quality control
analyzing quality
total quality management
creating a strategy for quality
revisiting the iron triangle
progress reports
quality and the comptia project+ exam
q&a chapter quiz
chapter exercises
quiz answers
exercise solutions
12 completing the project
completing the final tasks
going the distance
examine the critical path
98 percent done is not complete
the project postmortem
reviewing for quality
assessing the project deliverables
examining the project's worth
third-party review
obtaining final sign-off
using a project transition plan
obtaining client approval
post-project audit
creating the final report
evaluating team members' performance
declaring victory ,
declaring failure
cheers! celebrating victory
project closure and the comptia project+ exam
q&a chapter quiz
chapter exercises
quiz answers
exercise solutions
a it project+ exam objectives
response limits
1.0 preproject setup/initiating
1.1 explain the requi?ements to complete a preproject setup
1.2 identify the characteristics of a project
1.3 summarize the steps required to validate a project
1.4 explain the components of a project charter
1.5 outline the process groups of the project life cycle
1.6 explain the different types of organizational structures
2.0 project planning
2.1 prepare a project scope document based on an approved project charter
2.2 use a work breakdown structure (wbs) and wbs dictionary to organize project planning
2.3 outline a process for managing changes to the project
2.4 develop a project schedule based on wbs, project scope, and resource requirements
2.5 given a desired deliverable, apply the appropriate tool and/or method to produce the appropriate outcome
2.6 given a scenario, interpret the results of using the following tools and/or methods
2.7 identify components of an internal/external communication plan
2.8 outline the components of a risk management plan
2.9 identify roles and resource requirements based on wbs and resource availability
2.10 identify components of a quality management plan
2.11 identify components of a cost management plan
2.12 explain the procurement process in a given situation
2.13 explain the purpose and common components of a transition plan
3.0 project execution and delivery
3.1 coordinate human resources to maximize performance
3.2 explain the importance of a project kick-off meeting and outline the common activities performed during this meeting
3.3 recognize the purpose and influence of organizational governance on a project's execution
3.4 given a scenario, select which component(s) of a project plan is affected and select what action(s) should be taken 4.0 change, control, and communication
4.1 given a scenario, implement proper change management procedures
4.2 evaluate the impact of potential changes to the triple constraint
4.3 using the risk management plan, determine an appropriate response to potential risk / opportunity events
4.4 given a scenario, execute appropriate resource leveling techniques
4.5 explain the appropriate steps to ensure quality of project deliverables
4.6 identify potential tools to use when a project deliverable is out of specification as defined in the quality baseline
4.7 given a scenario, calculate and interpret the results of earned value measurement (evm)
4.8 given a scenario, manage and implement information distribution based on communications plan
4.9 recognize the special communication needs of remote and/or indirect project team members
5.0 project closure
5.1 explain the importance and benefits of formal project closure
5.2 identify circumstances in which project/phase closure might occur and identify steps to take when closure occurs
5.3 identify the components and purpose of closing documentation
b working as an independent contractor
getting (and keeping) the deal
making yourself at home
becoming a leader
delivering more than what you promise
c critical exam information
test-passing tips
days before the exam
practice the testing process
testing tips
answer every question--once
use the process of elimination
everything you must know
the 42 project management processes
initiating the project
planning the project
executing the project
monitoring and controlling the project
closing the project
evm formulas
quick exam facts
a letter to you
d about the cd
system requirements
installing and running masterexam
electronic book
removing installation(s)
technical support
learnkey technical support




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