本版对第2版的内容进行了以下修订: ◆扩展了传感器和执行元件的范围; ◆对数控技术部分的有关内容进行了顺序调整; ◆第25章“生产计划与控制”增加了企业资源规划(erp)的有关内容; ◆扩展了精益生产的范围; ◆更新了全书的习题。 |
Mikell P. Groover is Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Lehigh University, where he also serves as Director of the George E. Kane Manufacturing Technology Laboratory and faculty member in the Manufacturing Systems Engineering Program.He received his B.A. in Arts and Science (1961), B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (1962),M.S. in Industrial Engineering (1966), and Ph.D. (1969), all from Lehigh. |
《自动化、生产系统与计算机集成制造(第3版)(英文影印版)》 chapter 1 introduction 1.1 production systems 3 1.2 automation in production systems 9 1.3 manual labor in production systems 13 1.4 automation principles and strategies 15 1.5 organization of this book 20 part ⅰ: overview of manufacturing chapter manufacturing operations 2.1 manufacturing industries and products 27 2.2 manufacturing operations 30 2.3 production facilities 34 2.4 product/production relationships 39 2.5 lean production 44 chapter 3 manufacturing models and metrics |