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J. K. Rowling: Harry Potter

J. K. Rowling: Harry Potter

最 低 价:¥215.10

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作 者:Cynthia J. Hallett

出 版 社:


I S B N:9780230008502






CYNTHIA J. HALLETT is an independent scholar and was formerly Associate Professor of English and Foreign Languages at Bennett College for Women, North Carolina, USA. Her previous publications include Scholarly Studies in Harry Potter (2005). PEGGY J. HUEY is an Assistant Professor at Colorado Technical University Online, USA, and an Instructor for DeVry University Online, USA. She has taught at a number of colleges and universities in the USA and has published a range of articles on the Harry Potter books.



List of Abbreviations Series Editor's Preface Notes on Contributors Introduction; C.Hallett Glorious Food? The Literary and Culinary Heritage of the Harry Potter Series; S.Harris A Fairy Tale Crew? J.K. Rowling's Characters Under Scrutiny; A.Klaus The Way of the Wizarding World: Harry Potter and the Magical Bildungsroman; R.T.Tally, Jr. Bewitching, Abject, Uncanny: Other Spaces in the Harry Potter Films; F.Pheasant-Kelly Free Will and Determinism: A 'Compatibilist' Reading of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Series; C.M.Fouque Dumbledore's Ethos of Love in Harry Potter; L.Guanio-Uluru Harry Potter and the Origins of the Occult; E.McAvan Wizard's Justice and Elf Liberation: Politics and Political Activism in Harry Potter; M.Schulzke What It Means To Be A Half-Blood: Integrity Versus Fragmentation in Biracial Identity; T.Stockslager Magic, Medicine and Harry Potter; C.Partin Harry Potter and the Myriad Mothers: The Maternal Figure as Lioness, Witch and Wardrobe; R.Weaver & K.McMahon-Coleman 'I knew a girl once, whose hair...': Dumbledore and the Closet; J.Daems 'Neither can live while the other survives': Harry Potter and the Extratextual (After)life of J.K. Rowling; P.Ingleton Further Reading Index




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