List of Abbreviations Series Editor's Preface Notes on Contributors Introduction; C.Hallett Glorious Food? The Literary and Culinary Heritage of the Harry Potter Series; S.Harris A Fairy Tale Crew? J.K. Rowling's Characters Under Scrutiny; A.Klaus The Way of the Wizarding World: Harry Potter and the Magical Bildungsroman; R.T.Tally, Jr. Bewitching, Abject, Uncanny: Other Spaces in the Harry Potter Films; F.Pheasant-Kelly Free Will and Determinism: A 'Compatibilist' Reading of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Series; C.M.Fouque Dumbledore's Ethos of Love in Harry Potter; L.Guanio-Uluru Harry Potter and the Origins of the Occult; E.McAvan Wizard's Justice and Elf Liberation: Politics and Political Activism in Harry Potter; M.Schulzke What It Means To Be A Half-Blood: Integrity Versus Fragmentation in Biracial Identity; T.Stockslager Magic, Medicine and Harry Potter; C.Partin Harry Potter and the Myriad Mothers: The Maternal Figure as Lioness, Witch and Wardrobe; R.Weaver & K.McMahon-Coleman 'I knew a girl once, whose hair...': Dumbledore and the Closet; J.Daems 'Neither can live while the other survives': Harry Potter and the Extratextual (After)life of J.K. Rowling; P.Ingleton Further Reading Index |