During his thirty-seven years at Smith College, Newton Arvin
pub-lished groundbreaking studies of Hawthorne, Whitman, Melville,
and Longfellow that stand today as models of scholarship and
psycho-logical acuity. He cultivated friendships with the likes of
Edmund Wilson and Lillian Hellman and became mentor to Truman
Capote. A social radical and closeted homosexual, the circumspect
Arvin never-theless survived McCarthyism. But in September 1960 his
apartment was raided, and his cache of beefcake erotica was
confiscated, plung-ing him into confusion and despair and provoking
his panicked betrayal of several friends.
An utterly absorbing chronicle, The Scarlet Professor deftly
cap-tures the essence of a conflicted man and offers a provocative
andunsettling look at American moral fanaticism.
"Fascinating A riveting character study Vividly
captures the troubled times and too quickly forgotten life of the
quietly courageous Arvin Werth has written one of the most
emotionally engaging and socially relevant books I've read in quite
a while."--David Bahr, The Advocate
"Werth's meticulous account.., lend[s] the past new life An
important reminder that the world has quite recently been a very
dif-ferent place."--San Francisco Examiner & Chronicle
"Mesmerizingly well-written." --Andrew Holleran, Out