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作 者:(美)Mark Russinovich,(美)David Solomon,(加)Alex Ionescu 著
出 版 社:人民邮电出版社
I S B N:9787115290908
微软官方Windows权威著作最新版 |
Chapter 1 Concepts and Tools Windows Operating System Versions Foundation Concepts and Terms Windows API Services, Functions, and Routines Processes, Threads, and Jobs Virtual Memory Kernel Mode vs. User Mode Terminal Services and Multiple Sessions Objects and Handles Security Registry Unicode Digging into Windows Internals Performance Monitor Kernel Debugging Windows Software Development Kit Windows Driver Kit Sysinternals Tools Conclusion Chapter 2 System Architecture Requirements and Design Goals Operating System Model Architecture Overview Portability Symmetric Multiprocessing Scalability Differences Between Client and Server Versions Checked Build Key System Components Environment Subsystems and Subsystem DLLs Ntdll.dll Executive Kernel Hardware Abstraction Layer Device Drivers System Processes Conclusion Chapter 3 System Mechanisms Trap Dispatching Interrupt Dispatching Timer Processing Exception Dispatching System Service Dispatching Object Manager Executive Objects Object Structure Synchronization High-IRQL Synchronization Low-IRQL Synchronization System Worker Threads Windows Global Flags Advanced Local Procedure Call Connection Model Message Model Asynchronous Operation Views, Regions, and Sections Attributes Blobs, Handles, and Resources Security Performance Debugging and Tracing Kernel Event Tracing Wow64 Wow64 Process Address Space Layout System Calls Exception Dispatching User APC Dispatching Console Support User Callbacks File System Redirection Registry Redirection I/O Control Requests 16-Bit Installer Applications Printing Restrictions User-Mode Debugging Kernel Support Native Support Windows Subsystem Support Image Loader Early Process Initialization DLL Name Resolution and Redirection Loaded Module Database Import Parsing Post-Import Process Initialization SwitchBack API Sets Hypervisor (Hyper-V) Partitions Parent Partition Child Partitions Hardware Emulation and Support Kernel Transaction Manager Hotpatch Support Kernel Patch Protection Code Integrity Conclusion Chapter 4 Management Mechanisms The Registry Viewing and Changing the Registry Registry Usage Registry Data Types Registry Logical Structure Transactional Registry (TxR) Monitoring Registry Activity Process Monitor Internals Registry Internals Services Service Applications The Service Control Manager Service Startup Startup Errors Accepting the Boot and Last Known Good Service Failures Service Shutdown Shared Service Processes Service Tags Unified Background Process Manager Initialization UBPM API Provider Registration Consumer Registration Task Host Service Control Programs Windows Management Instrumentation Providers The Common Information Model and the Managed Object Format Language Class Association WMI Implementation WMI Security Windows Diagnostic Infrastructure WDI Instrumentation Diagnostic Policy Service Diagnostic Functionality Conclusion Chapter 5 Processes, Threads, and Jobs Process Internals Data Structures Protected Processes Flow of CreateProcess Stage 1: Converting and Validating Parameters and Flags Stage 2: Opening the Image to Be Executed Stage 3: Creating the Windows Executive Process Object (PspAllocateProcess) Stage 4: Creating the Initial Thread and Its Stack and Context Stage 5: Performing Windows Subsystem-Specific Post-Initialization Stage 6: Starting Execution of the Initial Thread Stage 7: Performing Process Initialization in the Context of the New Process Thread Internals Data Structures Birth of a Thread Examining Thread Activity Limitations on Protected Process Threads Worker Factories (Thread Pools) Thread Scheduling Overview of Windows Scheduling Priority Levels Thread States Dispatcher Database Quantum Priority Boosts Context Switching Scheduling Scenarios Idle Threads Thread Selection Multiprocessor Systems Thread Selection on Multiprocessor Systems Processor Selection Processor Share-Based Scheduling Distributed Fair Share Scheduling CPU Rate Limits Dynamic Processor Addition and Replacement Job Objects Job Limits Job Sets Conclusion Chapter 6 Security Security Ratings Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria The Common Criteria Security System Components Protecting Objects Access Checks Security Identifiers Virtual Service Accounts Security Descriptors and Access Control The AuthZ API Account Rights and Privileges Account Rights Privileges Super Privileges Access Tokens of Processes and Threads Security Auditing Object Access Auditing Global Audit Policy Advanced Audit Policy Settings Logon Winlogon Initialization User Logon Steps Assured Authentication Biometric Framework for User Authentication User Account Control and Virtualization File System and Registry Virtualization Elevation Application Identi cation (AppID) AppLocker Software Restriction Policies Conclusion Chapter 7 Networking Windows Networking Architecture The OSI Reference Model Windows Networking Components Networking APIs Windows Sockets Winsock Kernel Remote Procedure Call Web Access APIs Named Pipes and Mailslots NetBIOS Other Networking APIs Multiple Redirector Support Multiple Provider Router Multiple UNC Provider Surrogate Providers Redirector Mini-Redirectors Server Message Block and Sub-Redirectors Distributed File System Namespace Distributed File System Replication Offline Files Caching Modes Ghosts Data Security Cache Structure BranchCache Caching Modes BranchCache Optimized Application Retrieval:SMB Sequence BranchCache Optimized Application Retrieval:HTTP Sequence Name Resolution Domain Name System Peer Name Resolution Protocol Location and Topology Network Location Awareness Network Connectivity Status Indicator Link-Layer Topology Discovery Protocol Drivers Windows Filtering Platform NDIS Drivers Variations on the NDIS Miniport Connection-Oriented NDIS Remote NDIS QoS Binding Layered Network Services Remote Access Active Directory Network Load Balancing Network Access Protection Direct Access Conclusion Index |