'one of the finest books published this year ... hilarious and tear-jerking in turns' harry silver has it all: a beautiful wife, a wonderful son, a great job in the media - but in one night he throws it all away. then harry must start to learn what life and love are really all about. parsons has written a sharp, witty and wise book straight from his heart. his characters are all nitty-gritty, bounce-off-the-page, real people; his dialogue is brilliant' daily mail packs an enormous emotional wallop time out a finely constructed novel that says more about human relationships than a library of psychology manuals, hitting the funny bone and the emotional jugular at one and the same time' irisb times 'wistful, touching and funny, it looks back at the glory days of the family without losing hope for the future. in the end, it is a deeply touching book: a love letter to a son from his father, and to a father from his son' mail on sunday