1 An Indictment of the Education Establishment The Decline of Teaching and Learning 2 A Tale of American Student Failure Domestic Ignorance and International Embarrassment 3 The Making of a Modern Teacher Weak Selection and a“Mickey Mouse”Education 4 The Debased Reading Curriculum Whatever Happened to Phonics? 5 Licensing and Certification of Teachers A Nationwide Sham 6 The Ddbased General Curriculum Whatever Happened to Geography and Trigonometry? 7 The Psychologized Classroom Counseling,Personality Testing,and Dr.Freud 8 Private,Parochial,and Charter Schools Superior Education and a Matter of Choice 9 Alternate Certification of Teachers Competition from a Brighter“Untrained”Cadre 10 Middle School and High School 11 The Teachers' Unions 12 The Establishment and the Community Conclusion Endnotes and Bibliography Index |