1.What’S troubling you?你哪里不舒服? 2.MayIhelpyou?我能帮你什么忙? 3.Please take a seat!请坐下。 4.Wait a moment,please请等一等。 5.Sorry to have kept you waiting对不起,让你久等了。 6.It is not serious.病情不严重。 7.There is nothing to worry about.不必顾虑。 8.I think you need to have a thoroughexamination at once.我认为你需要马上做一个全面检查。 9.Let me take a look in your ears.让我看一下你的耳朵。 10.Are you willing to take some medicine?你想吃点药吗? 11.Look at me directly,please.请看着我。 12.Now open your mouth.现在张开你的嘴。 13.Open your mouth just as wide as you can.尽量把嘴张大。 14.I’m not going to do anything to hurt you.我不会使你感到疼痛。 …… 附录 |