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WINDOWS XP OPERATING SYSTEM用户支持与故障排除-MCDST EXAM70-271致胜经典(第二版)(英文影印版)

WINDOWS XP OPERATING SYSTEM用户支持与故障排除-MCDST EXAM70-271致胜经典(第二版)(英文影印版)

最 低 价:¥210.00

定 价:¥280.00

作 者:(美)沃尔特.格兰

出 版 社:世界图书出版公司

出版时间:2007 年6月

I S B N:9787506283151




get official exam prep guide plus practice testsm now updated for windows xp service pack 2. ace your preparation for the skills measured by mcdst exam 70-271- and on the job--with this official microsoft study guide, now updated for windows xp service pack 2. work at your own pace through a system of lessons, hands-on exercises, troubleshooting labs, and review questions. maximize your performance on the exam by learning how to:
   perform and troubleshoot an installation or upgrade;configure and troubleshoot hardware--such as print, display, and i/o devices updated~manage access to files, folders, and add-on software configure the desktop and user environment new--set up and support windows firewall, security and privacy settings, and local policy new--use microsoft update and automatic updates to keep your system current resolve network connectivity issues--both local and remote optimize system performance.
   walter glenn, mcdst mcse,and microsoft certified trainer, is a technology consulatant, techer and writer. he's authored a number of books on windows and coauthored several mcsa/mcse self-paced training kits(microsoft press).


Walter Glenn, MCDST MCSE,and Microsoft Certified Trainer, is a technology consulatant, techer and writer. He's authored a number of books on Windows and coauthored Several MCSA/MCSE Self-Paced Training Kits(Microsoft Press). .
Tony Northrup, MCSE, CISPP, and MVR is a networking consultant and author. Ne is coauthor of the MCSA/MCSESelf-Paced Training Kits for Exams 70-270 and 70-272, among other titles. ...
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part i learn at your own pace
1 introduction to desktop support
2 installing windows xp
3 supporting local users and groups
4 supporting the windows desktop
5 supporting windows xp file and folder access
6 installing and managing hardware
7 supporting display devices, i/0 devices, and acpi
8 supporting storage devices in windows xp
9 managing local and network printers
 10 supporting network connectivity
 11 supporting internet explorer in windows xp
 12 monitoring system performance in windows xp
part 2 prepare for the exam
 13 installing a windows desktop operating system (1.0)
 14 managing and troubleshooting access to resources (2.0)
 15 configuring and troubleshooting hardware devices and drivers (3.0)
16 configuring and troubleshooting the desktop and user environments (4.0)
17 troubleshooting network protocols and services (5.0)
. identify tasks in a corporate environment
install windows xp
update windows xp
start the recovery console by using the windows xp cd
work with local user accounts and groups
support the windows taskbar and start menu
configure language settings
manage files and folders
configure ntfs permissions
share a folder
work with simple file sharing
run the add hardware wizard
troubleshoot hardware problems
work with hardware drivers
configure display settings in windows xp
set power options
manage hard disks
configure a printer
configure print permissions
resolve network connectivity issues
configure windows firewall
configure internet explorer
configure visual effects
table 1-1: end users have varying skill levels
table 1-2: an overview of the corporate tier structure
table 1-3: overview of the telephone call center tier structure
table 1-4: selecting the right newsgroup
table 2-1: supported file systems
table 2-2: windows xp upgrade paths
table 2-3: common windows xp installation errors
table 2-4: command-line parameters for windows updates
table 2-5: summary of advanced boot options
table 2-6: recovery console command descriptions
table 3-1: auditable events
table 3-2: potential events to audit and reasons to audit them
table 4-1: advanced taskbar problems and solutions
troubleshooting labs
case scenario exercises




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