你是否已经习惯了现有的工作状况? 你是否思考过目前的工作状态是否正常? 你是否考虑过现阶段的工作方法能否为公司创造价值,能否让你脱颖而出?…… 目前,我们正处于一个微利时代,不少企业均面临着激烈竞争的现状,为了确保企业的生存与发展,管理者们在绞尽脑汁思考突破困境的方法。然而,很多企......
Rattle your brain with this zany collection of riddles, puzzles and stories to baffle young minds. The quirky illustrations accompanying the text offe......
8 1/2 x 11 3/16 400 color illustrations US and Canada Distribution previous edition:Brochures 3: 1-888001-49-6 With nearly 400 full-color examples of ......
在线阅读本书Nobody knows the Middle East like Lonely Planet. From Egyptian oases, hidden gorges in the other Iraq and hamams in Istanbul, to the old city of......
Strengthen your grade 3 students comprehension and vocabulary skills!The 25 engaging reading selections in Read & Understand with Leveled Texts, Grade......
Introducing Friendly Tales! A series of 4 lovable plush animals and board books, priced at $5.99.Clover likes to play with Rover.They like to play cha......
The art of ancient Egypt that has been handed down to us bears no names of its creators, and yet we value the creations of these unknown masters no le......
Our bestselling series is fit for a queen! The life of Queen Elizabeth I was dramatic and dangerous: cast out of her father's court at the age of thre......
While being engaged in fun activities, your children will be practicing important age-appropriate skills such as visual discrimination, sequencing, sm......
Everyone has heard of Albert Einstein-but what exactly did he do? How much do kids really know about Albert Einstein besides the funny hair and genius......
A handy compendium of grammar in the same format as the perennial bestseller, The Elements of Style....
중국의 인문 정신, 문화, 철학, 지혜와 전략이 모두 응집되어 있는 《삼국지》는 단연 중국의 대표 고전으로 꼽힌다. 특히 제갈공명의 신출귀몰한 지략, 관우와 장비의 태산 같은 충의와 호방한 기개, 유비의 출중한 리더십과 인재 경영, 조조의 냉철한 판단력과 끊임없는 도전......