戴维·迈尔斯的《心理学》专为美国大学普通心理学公选课而撰写,是该细分市场最为畅销的教科书。 全书共18章,涵盖了普通心理学方面的主要内容,包括对心理学的批判性思考、神经科学与行为、行为的天性与教养、人的发展、感觉与知觉、意识状态、学习、记忆、思维语言与智力、动机、情绪压力与健康、人格、心理障碍、......
内容简介 本书是一本结合了理论与实务的问题解决书籍,为想要通过有系统的学习以强化自身解决问题能力的管理者指出了一条自我学习、训练与实践的道路。本书不仅告诉读者如何发现问题、分析问题与解决问题,更强化了读者必须具备的企管与商业基本知识及常识。同时,本书也结合了许多企管及商业活动案例,故读者在阅读过......
保罗·贝内特的《异常与临床心理学》是一本集“异常心理学与临床心理学”于一体的著作,形成一个完整的知识体系。以往的著作,特别是在我国,往往将它们分为两个不同的学科来设置;这既增加学生的学习负担,又割裂了知识的系统性。看来将两者合而为一可能是学科发展的趋势。 本书的一个显著特点是:资料翔实,......
'An excellent and very welcome guide to psycholinguistics...highly recommended.' The Washington Post 'The reader's curiosity about the complexities of......
A complete guide to the organizational, humane, and legal issues involved in downsizing....
Andrew wants freckles more than anything else, so Sharon offers to sell him her secret freckle recipe. When Andrew turns green from the recipe, and bl......
Young nature lovers will learn about the life cycles of spiders and how they spin their webs, and will see spiders wide variety of colors and sizes as......
Hey! Unto you a child is born!The Herdmans are absolutely the worst kids in the history of the world. They lie and steal and smoke cigars (even the gi......
Did you know that ants have jobs? Ants may not look like they are doing anything important, but each ant that lives in a hill has a special job, wheth......
Looking beyond GE's legendary CEO Jack Welch, Rothschild takes a wider perspective on the company's history in this unwieldy management guide. Structu......
Variety is the name of the game in Your Seed Bead Style! From the pages of Bead&Button magazine, the 27 projects in this book will show you how to inc......
Toa Mahri Matora has been forced to sacrifice himself in order to save the great spirit Mata Nui, and the remaining Toa are in discord as a result. Ma......