这是一部材料详实、知识完备、语言筒约、图例丰富的美术史教学用书。 本书在有限的篇幅里,对中外美术史基本常以给子深入浅出的介绍和讲解,并附有大量的基础练习題,既可以作为高等院校美术通史课程的教材,也适用于艺术素质教育课程的教学。本书清晰明了的叙述手法,克服了此类书籍容易出现的繁琐拖沓的弊端,相信会受......
本书把中国美术史归纳成古代人物画、古代山水画、古代动物花鸟画、雕塑、书法篆刻、工艺美术、建筑等几部分。各部分分别按年代串成线,一幅作品配一张或几张图,使学生们能更清晰地了解中国美术的历史脉络和优秀作品。除此之外,本书还把中国美术史中认为比较重要的问题按年代顺序,编辑整理成“中国历代美术经典论述”。 ......
装饰造型艺术的概念含盖面十分广泛,范围可以包括大到公共环境中的壁画、壁饰、雕塑,小到陈设品、首饰。 装饰造型艺术服务于建筑,装饰造型艺术服务于空间环境,装饰造型艺术是装点美化室内外空间环境的艺术。木、石、金属、玻璃、纤维、纸、漆以人类发明的各类合成材质,都可以成为装饰造型材质的选择范围。装饰造......
For thousands of years an enigmatic and astonishingly beautiful piece of Roman art has captivated those who have come in contact with it. Made before ......
内容简介 Clearly written, accessible design book for the home. Each chapter is devoted to one color and provides practical ideas and advice on turning you......
内容简介One of our most important requirements as humans is the dwelling. Designing a home is thus one of the most important challenges architecture has t......
Great New Buildings of the World is a luxuriously illustrated journey through today's architectural gems, from museums and auditoriums, to stadiums an......
The Smaller Home offers interesting new ways of thinking about the home. Innovative and efficient use of space can make living easier, more economical......
Two hundred full-color reproductions capture the finest work from two of the world's most distinguished fantasy artists, offering a lavish overview of......
Traces the 3,000 year history of storytelling through pictures, discussing the language and images used...
An illustrated, behind-the-scenes look at the Jim Henson Company film's production process outlines the ways in which designer and director Dave McKea......
内容简介In 1993, Scott McCloud tore down the wall between high and low culture with the acclaimed international hit Understanding Comics, a massive comic ......
内容简介 The Nature of Genius Leonardo da Vinci was one of history's true geniuses, equally brilliant as an artist, scientist, and mathematician. Readers......
简介 内容提要 本书为适应建筑市场定额管理改革的需要,依据《上海市建筑工程预算定额》(93 版)的有关规定,详细地叙述了有关定额编制的原理、预算定额中的工程量的计算规则; 并用详尽、完整的例子,系统地演示了建筑工程概算、预算的编制过程,实例内容包括了 土建、设备各部分的详细计算和相应的施......
A model for the ideal state includes discussion of the nature and application of justice, the role of the philosopher in society, the goals of educati......