A picture dictionary of essential, everyday vocabulary in English and Korean....
George Stubbs is rightly recognised as one of the greatest and most original artists of the eighteenth century. This is the catalogue of Stubbs' paint......
Covers character design, bar sheets, track analysis, layouts, dialogue, music, animation photography, computer animation, and budgeting...
The acclaimed portrait photographer presents a photographic study celebrating the contemporary Black male...
Surveys the development of Chinese painting, sculpture, and architecture over a four-thousand-year period and examines the impact of religious and phi......
The world-renowned beauty and value of Tiffany glass lamps, vases, and windows are legendary. But few know that the masterful pieces from the Tiffany'......
本集搜集与精选了苏州大学艺术学院师生近年来所画的课堂习作。同时也展示了近十年中报考该院考生的各科优秀试卷。为了便于考生了解考题的具体要求,我们特邀富有教学经验的老师了解考题的具体要求,我们特邀富有教学经验的老师撰写了各科辅导性的文章,这次修订重印时编入了1991-1996年考题。 本集由陈国梁......
本书是北京市高等教育自学考试指定教材中的一册。本书主要介绍透视与制图的基本知识、基本作图方法,家具制图标准,家具的材料与构造,家具造型设计的一般规律,家具设计的步骤与方法以及中外家具发展历史等内容。全书配有大量图例,以及现代家具参考图样,便于读者理解、借鉴与应用。 本书适合于高等成人教育中的自......