An inspiring and unconventional memoir from one of the world s most beloved actresses. Goldie Hawn s life is an ongoing tableau of stories, and she ha......
Ever wished you could be as happy and carefree as a kitten? SMITTEN: A Kitten s Guide to Happiness will help point the way. Acclaimed photographer Rac......
中东,一个有着久远古老又根深蒂固的文化传统的地区。它曾经是文明的中心,四通八达的商品集散之地,傲视群伦的文化灿烂之所。然而到了近现代,它却成为西方势力的冲击所在。 不论是学者还是一般读者,只要你对中东历史感兴趣,都将发现这是一部令人愉悦的作品。 本书曾获台湾《中国时报》98年“十大好书奖”第......
你是否经常为记忆力衰退而苦恼?你是否发现笔记记得越多,思维也越混乱?你是否经常为琐事缠身而苦无分身之术?你是否总是感叹一天的时间太少?思维导图来了!它可以“解救”你! 思维导图是一种终极的思维工具,由英国“记忆之父”东尼•博赞发明,并在全球得到广泛推广,已成为21世纪风靡全球的思维......
ESCAPE FROM THE HERD: SECRETS OF THE SUPER RICH "Dan Frishberg s wisdom, inspiration, and humor brings important unexpected messages. A wonderful book......
A concise, practical, easy-to-read book for patients and practitioners interested in acupuncture. Dr Stemmler writes about acupuncture s origins, how ......
노희경 작가의 드라마 〈세상에서 가장 아름다운 이별〉을 소설로 만나다노희경 작가의 어머니가 돌아가신 후 3년 만에 쓴 작품이자 어머니께 올린 글이기도 한 드라마 〈세상에서 가장 아름다운 이별〉을 소설로 다시 재구성했다. 죽음을 앞둔 50대 엄마, 평생 모진 시집살이를 ......
Easy-to-use and packed with new images and illustrations, the Macmillan First Dictionary is the one to beat! This First Dictionary offers far more tha......
In Matthew Inman s 5 Very Good Reasons to Punch a Dolphin in the Mouth (And Other Useful Guides), samurai sword-wielding kittens and hamsters that lov......