内容简介 《韩国投资与山东沿海城市发展》共分六个部分:第一部分是研究背景,介绍研究目的和过程及作为研究对象的青岛、烟台、威海等三个城市的基本情况;第二部分是中韩关系简介,介绍中韩政治、经济、文化关系的发展过程和阶段;第三部分是政策部分,主要介绍中国对韩资进入中国的政策及其变化,并着重介绍了山东沿海三......
你是否总认为自己没有存储足够多的钱?财富方面的担忧是否不停地烦扰着你的生活?沃伦和泰亚吉在本书中告诉你,你完全能够打消这些顾虑并改变眼前的一切。你将拥有足够的积蓄并实现自己的梦想。你甚至可以有足够的钱来娱乐。最重要的是,《终身理财计划》这本书可以使你的后半生都不必为财富而烦恼。 沃伦和泰亚吉将向......
本标准对风力发电基本工程建设中的工程施工组织设计的总设计、基础、设备安装等规定了基本要求和方法。 本标准规定了风力发电工程项目施工组织设计的基本要求,适用于风力发电项目工程的风力发电场内的施工组织设计人员。...
内容简介 Placing emphasis on flexible, counter-intuitive decision-making, a pioneering young management guru calls for a brand new way of doing business i......
[div][div][p style=“margin: 0in 0in 0pt“]money may not buy you love, but it certainly helps with life''s other little luxuries. from shopping sprees t......
socrates' guiding rule was "know thyself." tese words are of eternal significance, and, arguably, no better advice has ever been given to man or woman......
A Long Way to the Top:Rags-to-riches stories abound in American lore, but even Horatio Alger would have been hard-pressed to write one as powerful as ......
Money manager Jonathan D. Pond has taught countless Americans in his series of bestselling books and PBS specials how to do the seemingly impossible: ......
an investor''s survival guide to avoiding costly dangers in today''s uncertain markets. that the “bubble burst“ in 2000 is really a misnomer. the fall......
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Open the pages of the Fifth Edition of Essentials of Investments and you will clearly understand that the author team of Zvi Bodie,Alex Kane,and Alan ......
One of the most successful investing books ever published, Super Stocks showed investors how to use innovative techniques and fundamental analysis for......
The first Demystified guide to take the mystery out of investing, Investing Demystified provides independent investors with hands-on explanations of b......
Everything I Know Ab out Business I Learned at McDonald's delivers an up-close-and-personal look at a company where talent is cultivated and encourage......
内容简介在线阅读本书"an indispensable guide to the nature of money and personal finance" - The TimesMoney - it makes the world go round. We all secretly believe......