对绝大多数人而言,郭敬明是一个耀眼的新闻人物,同时也是一个无法破解的迷: 他究竟是不谙世事的小孩还是一个城府极深的人? 他是如何成功两次考取“新概念”一等奖的,当中有无猫腻? 他的爱情生活到底是怎样,初恋情人是谁? 他为何总是陷入“抄袭”风波,幕后真相究竟是什么? …… 人们......
1578年艾汶河畔的斯特拉福镇。有位男孩坐在书桌旁专心地学习,他认真听课、拼命看书。可他在想些什么呢?. 1587年伦敦。一位年轻人首次到伦敦谋生。他听着闹市的喧嚣声,看看伦敦塔雄伟的大墙,望着泰晤士河的淙淙流水。“静谧的泰晤士河,潺潺地流淌,直到我唱完心中的歌。” 1601年伦敦。泰晤士河上的......
Her name is synonymous with elegance, style and grace. Over the course of her extraordinary life and career, Audrey Hepburn captured hearts around the......
The Second Edition of this standard-setting work is a state-of-the-art pictorial reference on orthopaedic magnetic resonance imaging. It combines more......
Meet the All-American pups of Buxton, U.S.A. Jake, Sheena, Fritz, Rosie and Tracker. They re cute. They re cuddly. They re frisky. And they just can t......
In 1878, aspiring entomologist Hans Bengler travels to the Kalahari Desert in hopes of making a name for himself by discovering a previously unknown i......
At a party for a king and queen, Chuckie discovers that he looks exactly like a real prince -- a really spoiled prince, that is. When Chuckie and the ......
Three critically acclaimed novels by the author of The Age of Innocence provide an incisive, entertaining study of the institutions, manners, and more......
Questioning how the less than exemplary life of JFK related to the actions and decisions of his public career, Thomas Reeves probes the bewildering va......
Presents thirty-five folk art objects from the National Museum of American Art with accompanying text explaining the motives behind the creation of fo......