Preface by Halliday 王宗炎序 导读 Preface 1 Why do linguists need statistics? 2 Tables and graphs 2.1 Categorical data 2.2 Numerical data 2.3 Multi-Way tables 2.4 Special cases Summary Exercises 3 Summary measures 3.1 The median 3.2 The arithmetic mean 3.3 The mean and the median compared 3.4 Means of proportions and percentages 3.5 Variability or dispersion 3.6 Central intervals 3.7 The variance and the standard deviation 3.8 Standardising test scores Summary Exercises 4 Statistical inference 4.1 The problem 4.2 Populations 4.3 The theoretical solution 4.4 The pragmatic solution Summary Exercises …… 5 Probability 6 Modeling statistical populations 7 Estimating form samples 8 Testing hypotheses about population values 9 Testing the fit of models to data 10 Measuring the degree of interdependence between 11 Testing for differences between two populations 12 Analysis of variance-ANOVA 13 Linear regression 14 Searching for groups and clusters 15 Princial components analysis and factor andlysis |