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作 者:(英)斯铂佰(Sperber,D.),(英)威尔逊(Wilson,D.) 著,何自然 等导读 著
出 版 社:外语教学与研究出版社
I S B N:9787560023847
Preface by Halliday 王宗炎序 Preface by Chomsky 沈家煊序 导读 Preface to Second Edition List of symbols 1 Communication 1 The code model and the semiotic approach to communication 2 Decoding and inference in verbal comprehension 3 The mutual-knowledge hypothesis 4 Grice's approach to "meaning'and communication 5 Should the code codel and the inferential model be analgamated? 6 Problens of definition 7 Problens of explanation:Grice's theory of comversation 8 Cognitive enviromnents and mutual manifestness 9 Relevance and ostension 10 Ostensive-informative communication 11 The informative intention 12 The communicative intention 2 Inference 1 Non-demonstrative inference 2 Logical forms,proposivtional attitudes and faceral assunptions 3 Strength of assumptions 4 Deduvtive rules and comcepts 5 The deductive device 6 Some types of deduvtion 7 Contextual effcets:the role of deduction in non-denonstrative inference 3 Relevance …… 4 Aspects of verbal Communication Podtface Notes to First Edition Notes to Second Edition Notes to Postface Bibliography Indes 文库索引 |