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Nestlé Nutrition Workshop Series: Pediatric Program vol. 55雀巢营养系列:儿科计划

Nestlé Nutrition Workshop Series: Pediatric Program vol. 55雀巢营养系列:儿科计划

最 低 价:¥1685.70

定 价:¥1873.00

作 者:

出 版 社:哈尔滨出版社


I S B N:9783805577809




Maternal nutritional status affects the offsprings health development significantly during early embryogenesis, pregnancy, birth and lactation, and subsequently determines health during growth and even throughout adulthood. On the other end of the human lifetime scale, the importance of maternal nutrition expands into the time period before conception: Pre-conception nutritional status not only influences fertility, but also embryogenesis and life-long health. Predisposition for coronary heart diseases, Type-2 diabetes mellitus, and hypertension can be caused by intrauterine adaptations to fetal malnutrition. Hence, optimizing nutrition for women during their reproductive period can be expected to have a great impact on the well being of the next generation.This workshop dealt with the effects of maternal nutrition on fetal growth, metabolic programming, energy and nutrient requirements, as well as under- and over-nutrition during pregnancy. Finally, it addressed the question of whe .



1 maternal nutrition and adverse pregnancy outcomes: lessons from epidemiology
2 metabolic disease: evolutionary, developmental and transgenerational influences
3 nutrient effects upon embryogenesis: folate, vitamin a and iodine
4 energy reqmrements during pregnancy and consequences of deviations from requirement o-n fetal outcome
5 potential effects of nutrients on placental function and fetal growth
6 essential fatty acids during pregnancy
7 dietary essential fatty acids in early postnatal life: long-term outcomes
8 nutrient-induced maternal hyperinsulinemia and metabolic programming in the progeny
9 maternal malnutrition and the risk of infection in later life
10 size and body composition at birth and risk of type-2 diabetes
11 cardiovascular disease in survivors of the dutch famine
12 relationship between maternal obesity and adverse pregnancy outcomes
13 special problems of nutrition in the pregnancy of teenagers
14 dietary intervention during pregnancy and allergic diseases in the offspring
15 future challenges of nutrition in pregnancy and lactation
16 concluding remarks
17 subject index




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