韩戈玲,1967年3月出生于山西省闻喜县,英语语言文学博士,现为上海理工大学外语学院副教授和硕士生导师。主要研究领域包括语用学、语言学、认知语言学、功能语言学、话语分析和外语教学。近年来在《外语界》等期刊上发表论文5篇,参编《英汉语言学词典》等辞书3部。参加国家社科和上海市社科项目3项,主持上海市教委项目1项。 |
Acknowledgements Abstract A List of Abbreviations and Symbols A List of Tables and Figures Chapter One Introduction Preliminary Remarks 1.1 Broad Preview 1.2 Remaining Issues in Previous Studies 1.3 Rationale of the Present Research 1.4 Objective of the Current Study 1.5 Description of the Target Data 1.6 The Organization of the Book Chapter Two Literature Review 2.1 Diversified Terminology 2.2 Various Perspectives on Pragmatic Markers 2.2.1 Pragmatic Markers and Logic-syntactic Structure 2.2.2 Pragmatic Markers and Discourse Coherence 2.2.3 Pragmatic Markers and Relevance Theory 2.2.4 Pragmatic Markers from a Pragmatic Perspective 2.3 Summary Chapter Three Theoretical Framework 3.1 Theoretical Grounds for the Research Approach 3.1.1 Game Theory and the Application of Its Ideas 3.1.2 Pragmatic Studies on Implicature 3.1.3 Discourse Analysis and the Main Issues 3.2 Description of the Conceptual Framework 3.2.1 Dynamic Collaboration 3.2.2 Interactive Coherence 3.2.3 Bilateral Optimalization 3.3 Summary Chapter Four Properties of Pragmatic Markers 4.1 Identification of Pragmatic Markers 4.1.1 Previous Definitions of Pragmatic Markers 4.1.2 Operational Definition of Pragmatic Markers 4.2 Distinctive Features of Pragmatic Markers 4.3 Taxonomies of Pragmatic Markers 4.3.1 Interaction Initiating Markers 4.3.2 Sequential Markers 4.3.3 Attitudinal Markers 4.3.4 Illocutionary Force Markers 4.3.5 Tactic Markers 4.3.6 Information Intensifying Markers 4.3.7 Interim Summary 4.4 Interpretative Orientation of Pragmatic Markers 4.5 Pragmatic Markers and Inference of Explicatures and Implicatures 4.5.1 Distinction of the Explicit/Implicit, Explicature/Implicature 4.5.2 Conceptual and Procedural Meanings of Pragmatic Markers 4.5.3 Pragmatic Markers and Constraints on Implicature 4.6 Summary Chapter Five Pragmatic Markers in Interactive Discourse 5.1 Pragmatic Markers as Devices of Discourse Coherence in Interaction 5.1.1 Pragmatic Markers Signaling Conversational Development 5.1.2 Pragmatic Markers Functioning as Information Management Devices 5.1.3 Pragmatic Markers Highlighting Interpersonal Relationship 5.1.4 Pragmatic Markers Conveying Communicative Attitude 5.2 Multifunctionality of Pragmatic Markers 5.3 Distribution of Pragmatic Markers in Argumentative Discourse 5.4 Summary Chapter Six Factors Influencing the Use of Pragmatic Markers 6.1 Social Variables 6.1.1 Interaction Situation 6.1.2 Speaker Role 6.1.3 Speech Community 6.2 Speech Genre 6.3 Cultural Values 6.4 Summary Chapter Seven Conclusion 7.1 Summary of the Major Findings 7.1.1 Findings Relating to the Dynamic Process of Verbal Interaction 7.1.2 Findings Concerning Pragmatic Markers in Interactive Discourse 7.2 Implications and Applications 7.3 Limitations of the Present Study 7.4 Suggestions for Further Research Appendix 1 Appendix 2 BIBLIOGRAPHYs |