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作 者:(美)Peter J. Brockwell (美)Richard A. Davis 著
出 版 社:人民邮电出版社
I S B N:9787115196828
《时间序列与预测(英文版第2版)》全面介绍了经济学、工程学、自然科学和社会科学中所用的时间序列和预测方法,核心内容是平稳过程、ARMA过程、ARIMA过程、多变量时间序列、状态空间模型和谱分析。另外,《时间序列与预测(英文版第2版)》还介绍了Burg算法、Hannan—Riissanen算法、EM算法、结构模型、指数平滑、转移函数模型、非线性模型、连续时间模型和长记忆模型等,每章的末尾都有大量习题,供读者巩固所学概念和方法,《时间序列与预测(英文版第2版)》强调方法和数据集的分析,配有时间序列软件包ITSM2000的学生版。《时间序列与预测(英文版第2版)》适合作为各专业学生时间序列入门课程的教材,也适合其他有兴趣的科研工作者阅读。 |
1. Introduction 1.1. Examples of Time Series 1.2. Objectives of Time Series Analysis 1.3. Some Simple Time Series Models 1.3.1. Some Zero-Mean Models 1.3.2. Models with Trend and Seasonality 1.3.3. A General Approach to Time Series Modeling 1.4. Stationary Models and the Autocorrelation Function 1.4.1. The Sample Autocorrelation Function 1.4.2. A Model for the Lake Huron Data 1.5. Estimation and Elimination of Trend and Seasonal Components 1.5.1. Estimation and Elimination of Trend in the Absence of Seasonality 1.5.2. Estimation and Elimination of Both Trend and Seasonality 1.6. Testing the Estimated Noise Sequence Problems 2. Stationary Processes 2.1. Basic Properties 2.2. Linear Processes 2.3. Introduction to ARMA Processes 2.4. Properties of the Sample Mean and Autocorrelation Function |