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作 者:安然,孙继红 编著

出 版 社:国防工业出版社


I S B N:9787118080469






  本书共分13章。第1章系统介绍了外贸函电写作的基本知识;第2章至第11章遵循外贸业务流程,依次介绍了建立商务关系、询盘、报盘、还盘、成交、支付、投诉索赔等内容;第12章介绍了其他国际贸易方式;第13章介绍了商业合同等内容。 《新编国际贸易函电》可作为大专院校经济贸易、英语、海洋经济等专业的教材使用,也可供从事外贸业务的工作者参考使用。本书由安然、孙继红编著。



Chapter One  An Introduction to Foreign Trade Correspondence
  1.1  An Overview of Foreign Trade Correspondence
  1.2  Criteria for Effective Foreign Trade Correspondence
    1.2.1  Coideration
    1.2.2  Clarity
    1.2.3  Conciseness
    1.2.4  Concreteness
    1.2.5  Correctness
    1.2.6  Completeness
    1.2.7  Courtesy
  1.3  Cotruction of Effective Sentences and Paragraphs
    1.3.1  Cotruction of Effective Sentences
    1.3.2  Cotruction of Effective Paragraph
  1.4  Structure of Foreign Trade Correspondence
Chapter Two  Establishing Business Relatio
  2.1  Correspondence Writing
    2.1.1  Introduction
    2.1.2  Request for the Establishment of Business Relatio
    2.1.3  Self-Introduction
    2.1.4  Traferring Business Relatio
  2.2  Language Handbook
    2.2.1  Useful Words and Expressio
    2.2.2  Useful Sentences
    2.2.3  Writing Exercises
Chapter Three  Inquiries and Replies
  3.1  Correspondence Writing
    3.1.1  Introduction
    3.1.2  General Inquiry
    3.1.3  Reply to the General Inquiry
    3.1.4  Specific Inquiry
  3.2  Language Handbook
    3.2.1  Useful Words and Expressio
    3.2.2  Useful Sentences
    3.2.3  Writing Exercises
Chapter Four  Offe
  4.1  Correspondence Writing
    4.1.1  Introduction
    4.1.2  Voluntary Offer
    4.1.3  Firm Offer
    4.1.4  Non-Firm Offer
    4.1.5  Offer as Requested
  4.2  Language Handbook
    4.2.1  Useful Words and Expressio
    4.2.2  Useful Sentences
    4.2.3  Writing Exercises
Chapter Five  Counter-Offe and Declining Orde
  5.1  Correspondence Writing
    5.1.1  Introduction
    5.1.2  Making CounterOffe
    5.1.3  Advising to Accept the Offer
    5.1.4  Declining Price Reduction
    5.1.5  Concession on Price
    5.1.6  Declining Orde
  5.2  Language Handbook
    5.2.1  Useful Words and Expressio
    5.2.2  Useful Sentences
    5.2.3  Writing Exercises
Chapter Six  Conclusion of Business and Declining Orde
  6.1  Correspondence Writing
    6.1.1  Introduction
    6.1.2  Placing an Order
    6.1.3  Confirming an Order
    6.1.4  Placing a Repeat Order and Reply
    6.1.5  Sending a Sales Contract / Confirmation
    6.1.6  Counter-Signature I~tter
    6.1.7  Declining Orde
  6.2  Language Handbook
    6.2.1  Useful Words and Expressio
    6.2.2  Useful Sentences
    6.2.3  Writing Exercises
Chapter Seven  Payment
  7.1  Correspondence Writing
    7.1.1  Introduction
    7.1.2  Asking for Easier Payment Terms
    7.1.3  Proposing to Pay by D/A
    7.1.4  Asking for D/P Terms
    7.1.5  Modifying Terms of Payment
  7.2  Language Handbook
    7.2.1  Useful Words and Expressio
    7.2.2  Useful Sentences
    7.2.3  Writing Exercises
Chapter Eight  Establishment of and Amendment to L/C
  8.1  Correspondence Writing
    8.1.1  Introduction
    8.1.2  Urging Establishment of L/C
    8.1.3  Informing of the Establishment of L/C
    8.1.4  Asking for L/C Amendment to Comply with S/C
    8.1.5  Asking for L/C Amendment to Allow Partial Shipment and
    8.1.6  Asking for Exteion of L/C
  8.2  Language Handbook
    8.2.1  Useful Words and Expressio
    8.2.2  Useful Sentences
    8.2.3  Writing Exercises
Chapter Nine  Packing and Shipment
  9.1  Correspondence Writing
    9.1.1  Introduction
    9.1.2  Packing Requirement
    9.1.3  Advising Packing Arrangement
    9.1.4  Modifying Terms of Packing
    9.1.5  Arrangement of Traport
    9.1.6  Shipping Marks
    9.1.7  Shipping Itructio
    9.1.8  Asking for Trahipment and Partial Shipment
    9.1.9  Urging Shipment
    9.1.10  Shipping Advice
  9.2  Language Handbook
    9.2.1  Useful Words and Expressio
    9.2.2  Useful Sentences
    9.2.3  Writing Exercises
Chapter Ten  Iurance
  10.1  Correspondence Writing
    10.1.1  Introduction
    10.1.2  Asking the Exporter to Cover Iurance
    10.1.3  Effecting Iurance for the Importer
    10.1.4  Asking the Importer to Cover Iurance
    10.1.5  Request for Additional Iurance
    10.1.6  The Requirement to Increase the Rate of Iurance
  10.2  Language Handbook
    10.2.1  Useful Words and Expressio
    10.2.2  Useful Sentences
    10.2.3  Writing Exercises
Chapter Eleven  Complaints and Claims
  11.1  Correspondence Writing
    11.1.1  Introduction
    11.1.2  Complaints of Wrong Dispatch
    11.1.3  Complaints of Short Delivery
    11.1.4  Claim for Improper Packing
    11.1.5  Claim for Inferior Quality
    11.1.6  Acceptance of Claim
    11.1.7  Declining the Claim
  11.2  Language Handbook
    11.2.1  Useful Words and Expressio
    11.2.2  Useful Sentences
    11.2.3  Writing Exercises
Chapter Twelve  Modes of Foreign Trade
  12.1  Correspondence Writing
    12.1.1  Introduction
    12.1.2  Agency
    12.1.3  Invitation to Tender and Bidding
    12.1.4  Processing Trade
    12.1.5  Leasing Trade
    12.1.6  Compeation Trade
  12.2  Language Handbook
    12.2.1  Useful Words and Expressio
    12.2.2  Useful Sentences
    12.2.3  Writing Exercises
Chapter Thirteen  International Trade Contracts
  13.1  Correspondence Writing
    13.1.1  Introductio
    13.1.2  Structure of a Contract
    13.1.3  Sales Contract
    13.1.4  Purchase Contract
  13.2  Language Handbook
    13.2.1  Useful Words and Expressio
    13.2.2  Useful Sentences
    13.2.3  Writing Exercises




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