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How to Be a Complete & Utter Failure in Life Work

How to Be a Complete & Utter Failure in Life Work

最 低 价:¥200.00

定 价:¥325.00

作 者:Steve McDermott

出 版 社:Financial Times Management


I S B N:9780273661665



" "With its clever use of reverse psychology, this is actually a very well researched book about being one of life's winners!written in a simple-to-read and very humorous style." "Professional Manager" "Before I founded The Gadget Shop I'd read every personal and business development book I could get my hands on and picked out the best ideas from each one. What's great about Steve's book is all these ideas, and many others I've never come across, can now be found in one place. Best of all, reading it is just like hearing Steve talk when he is on stage. It's like getting good advice from a friend. Steve uses humour in a very effective way in order to help you make more of your life, career or business". "Jonathan Elvidge, Founder and Chief Executive, The Gadget Shop "At Asda we've been successful by swimming upstream and placing people development at the heart of our business. Put Steve's book at the heart of your personal development and he'll help you swim upstream too" "Tony De Nunzio, Chief Executive, Asda "Don't read this book" "Uncle Richard "This is a very funny business book, but has some sensible thinking behind it. Reinforcing the "don't do this" approach, it gets the message across to readers of how to do things right." "The Bookseller"


This book turns the concept of self-improvement on its head. It brings together 39 and a half leading ideas in personal and business development, and offers a total antidote to the motivational, gung-ho, over-enthused tone of all the usual self-improvement guides. Delivered in fast, easily digestible chunks, in a style that makes you laugh while you learn, this book offers tongue-in-cheek advice about what not to do to ensure certain failure in every aspect of your life. From not having any goals, to not getting advice from people you ve never met or who are dead, to not taking personal responsibility for your life and results, every idea, strategy, suggestion and story is guaranteed to propel you into the slow lane of total inadequacy. How to be a Complete and Utter Failure comes with a warning - which you don t think about taking the direct opposite steps to those outlined in the guide, as this could seriously damage your chances of becoming a failure. Behind the humor, though, is good advice and a serious message. And whether you choose to heed the warning or not, it s an extremely entertaining read. The key difference from all other self-development books are: brevity WITH intelligence and humor, bringing together of a whole range of key ideas in one small book, the use of suggestion (and the don t do this approach) to powerfully fix the ideas in the reader s mind while making the reading entertaining. This "un-improvement" guide offers 39 and a half steps to being a failure. The text is delivered in a "how not to" way using the power of reverse psychology to make its point.






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