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最 低 价:¥271.20

定 价:¥339.00

作 者:Jeffrey A. Hirsch 著

出 版 社:


I S B N:9780470109861




Understanding the past and being aware of the present are essential to successfully navigating the commodities markets。 To make the most of your time in these markets——whether you’re trading or hedging——you need the invaluable insights that can only be found in the Commodity Trader’s Almanac。
  Organized in an easy-to-access calendar format based on the bestselling Stock Trader’s Almanac,the Commodity Trader’s Almanac 2008:
  Highlights important market-based data and informs you of different market tendencies。
  Features monthly almanac pages based around three major groupingsmetals,petroleum,and agriculture。
  Alerts you to both seasonal opportunities and dangers。
  Provides monthly and daily reminders。
  Furnishes a historical viewpoint by providing pertinent statistics on past market performance as well as the supply/demand trends that create them。
  Filled with a wealth of information regarding futures and commodities——from crude oil and coffee to gold and sugar——the Commodity Trader’s Almanac 2008 will help you locate potentially beneficial market opportunities throughout the course of the year。


Jeffrey A. Hirsch,is Editor-in-Chief of the perennially popular Stock Trader’s Almanac and Almanac Investor newsletter。He has continued the tradition of Yale Hirsch, the founder,and regularly appears on CNBC,CNN,FOX News, and Bloomberg。


2008 Strategy Calendar
January Almanac:Spotlight Crude Oil
February Almanac:Spotlight Wheat
March Almanac:Spotlight Natural Gas
April Almanac:Spotlight Corn
May Almanac:Spotlight Sugar
June Almanac:Spotlight Coffee
July Almanac:Spotlight Soybeans
August Almanac:Spotlight Silver
September Almanac:Spotlight Gold
Octobe Almanca:Spotlight Cocoa
November Almanac:Spotlignt Live Cattle
December Almanac:Spotlight Lean Hogs
Dual Denmand Structure of Crude Oil Drives Prices
Buy the Rumor/Sell the Fact:Anticipatin of Consumer Dimand Drives Natural Gas
Beat the Rush,Buy Gold in August Ahead of the Holiday Shopping Season
Silver Benefits from Jewelry As Well As Industrial Usage
Planting,Pollination,and Harvest!The Three Destruction of Soybeans
Winter Wheat Risk Premiums
The Three Destructions and Corn Pricing
Understanding Placement and Slaughter Patterns Is Critical for Cattle
Slaughter Patterns Set Prices in Hog Futures
Coffee Consumption and Production Risks
Sugar Is Especially Sweet at the End of the Year
Dual Cocoa Crops Wetgh on Prices Most of the Year




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