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(失败的国家:权力的滥用和民主被侵犯)Secrets of great rainmakers

(失败的国家:权力的滥用和民主被侵犯)Secrets of great rainmakers

最 低 价:¥75.00

定 价:¥168.37

作 者:Jeffery J Fox 著

出 版 社:


I S B N:9780091912789




In Secrets of Great Rainmakers you'll learn how to outsmart the competition and set yourself apart from the pack.
  Drawing on over fifty interviews with industry leaders from a wide variety of fields, bestselling author Jeffrey J. Fox will share the proven techniques and hard-won wisdom that have helped great rainmakers to get ahead, along with his trademark brand of counterintuitive insight and commentary that have made his books so popular.
  Jeffrey gets to the heart of the matter, and condenses years of rainmaker trial and error into memorable chapters guaranteed to increase sales. They've already been proven!
  Among the secrets, you'll find:
  - Rainmakers have no competitors
  - You can't sell beer sitting at your desk
  - Take the word 'price' out of your vocabulary
- Never give a quote
- How to prepare a presentation
This guide is essential reading for anyone wanting to get ahead in business.
  Jeffrey J. Fox is the bestselling author of How to Become CEO, How to Become a Rainmaker and How To Become a Great Boss. He is a Harvard MBA and founder of Fox and Co. Inc, a premier marketing consulting company in Connecticut. He has won numerous awards from the business community, including Sales & Marketing Management magazine's Outstanding Marketer Award.He has held senior marketing positions at several international companies and is a sought-after speaker to senior executives. His success has made him the subject of a Harvard case study that is rated one of the top 100 case studies, and is thought to be one of the most widely taught marketing case studies in the world.



I A Career Odyssey: From Rookie to Rainmaker
II Rainmakers Have No Competitors
III Rainmaker Mottos
IV "You Can't Sell Beer Sitting at Your Desk"
V Heed the First Buy Signal
VI Turn Six into $60,000
VII Selling Is a Contact Sport
VIII Play Rolodex Roulette
IX How to Get an Appointment
X How to Correctly Start Every sales Call
XI The Real Secret About Asking for the Order
XII Take a Stroll
XIIl The Fisherman
XIV Why Customers Want to Give Referrals
XV "Get the Blank Out of Here"
XVI Something for Free Is Not a Loss Leader
XVII Killer Sales Questions #1 and #2
XVIII Always Get Your Customer to Do Something
XIX Paperboys
XX The Price Was Right
XXl Reductio Ad Absurdum
XXIl Always Make That Last Call




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