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(初级系列:经济学基础知识(2年级)) Elementary Economics (Math, Grade 2)

(初级系列:经济学基础知识(2年级)) Elementary Economics (Math, Grade 2)

最 低 价:¥16.00

定 价:¥20.00

作 者:BeckyDaniel 著

出 版 社:上海蓝泉外文图书有限公司


I S B N:651468051815



  Becky Daniel is a parent, teacher, author, and editor. Since graduating from California University at Long Beach, she has taught kindergarten through eighth grade. She now edits A New Day magazine and educational books from her home in Pismo Beach, California. Over the past twenty-five years, Becky has authored more than 200 educational books for McGraw-Hill Children's Publishing and other supplemental educational publishers.


Get students thinking economically with Elementary Economics. Each book in this series contains two complete center-driven units. Students and teachers design a store, stock its shelves, and price its merchandise. The store is the focus of real-life class activities that teach the economic principles of producers and consumers, scarcity, rarity, supply and demand, and more. Each unit includes reproducible worksheets and economics games that reinforce the skills and concepts taught in the lessons. Field trip ideas and literature suggestions allow the teacher to make connections across the curriculum. This innovative and refreshing approach to economics will delight both students and teachers.



Setting up Business in the Pet Shop
Pet Shop Group Activities
 Does Size Determine Value? (size value)
 How Much Is That Doggie?
 Most Popular Pets (popularity)
 A Rare Animal/Quality Control
 (scarcity, rarity, and quality)
 Culminating the Pricing Sessions
 Shopping for Pets (value comparisons)
Pet Shop Werksheets
 Drawing Conclusions (value)
 Sorting by Kind (sorting)
Making Choices (decision making)
Comparing Prices
(money addition and comparison)
 Which Costs More?
 (money addition and comparison)
 Colorful Change (making change)
 Pet Shop Sale
 (money addition and subtraction)
 To the Customer (sequencing)
 Good Service (goods and services)
Pet Shop Card Games
 Pet Shop Rummy
 (matching and money addition)
 Pet Concentration/Pet Store War
 (matching and money addition)
Pet Shop Beard Game
The Pet Shop
Game Board
Game Cards
 The Fruit Market Center Set-Up
Fruit Market Group Activities
 The Long and Short of It (size value)
 An Apple a Day (popularity)
 Big Juicy Oranges (transporting)
 Something Fruity/
 Fruit Market Shopping (competition)
Fruit Market Werksheets
 Which Is More?
 (money addition and comparison)
 Picking Fruit (money addition)
 It's the Same (comparison)
 Buying Fruit (money addition)
 It's in the Bag (money addition)
 Pocket Change (making change)
 The Necessities (wants and needs)
Fruit Market Card Games
 Dollar Rummy (money addition)
 Go Pick Fruit/Colorful Fruit
 (matching and money addition)
 Go Fish for Fruit
 (matching and money addition)
Fruit Market Beard Game
 The Fruit Market
 Game Board
 Game Cards
Answer Key




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