"Instructs the investor on how to deal with a more problematic investment climate. Richard's guidance is thoughtful, detailed, and full of common sense." "An excellent and concise work by an acknowledged master in the field of strategic equity analysis from a quantitative perspective. [It] stands like a beacon amidst the Wall Street landscape of hype, confusion, and, well, noise." "Bernstein's basic premise about the lack of value of today's so-called 'information' is so true. It's just like food-a lot more of it isn't healthy; it's quality that counts." "Rich Bernstein does a marvelous job separating investment facts from fantasy in a clear and concise way. [It] should be included on the reading list of any serious investor." 作者简介: Richard Bernstein, is Chief U.S. Strategist at Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., where he is responsible for formulating and marketing Merrill Lynch's U.S. equity strategies and asset allocation. Prior to joining Merrill Lynch, he worked for EF Hutton and Tucker Anthony. He has been voted to the Institutional Investor All-America Research Team in each of the last fourteen years, and was a regular panelist on Louis Rukeyser's Wall Street. Bernstein received his AB degree from Hamilton College and MBA in finance from New York University. |