"This book is a critical contribution to defining the biggest opportunity in the wireless industry today—mobile advertising. And more importantly, it provides a blueprint to exploit that opportunity! Brilliant insights, clearly written—a must-read."--Paul Palmieri, President and CEO, Millennial Media "The authors provide unique insights into the emerging world of mobile advertising in light of the distinct features—and challenges—of mobile media, and their perspectives will help operators and marketers grow mobile advertising and ensure the delivery of benefits to users, providers, and advertisers alike."--Dr. Robert Roche, Vice President, CTIA, The Wireless Association A practical guide to the emerging mobile advertising market Mobile Advertising covers the emerging and vibrant industry of advertising on mobile devices, soon to be a multibillion-dollar industry. This is a complete how-to guide for marketing executives who want to understand this disruptive engagement channel and take advantage of this hot new advertising medium. Drawing on years of experience from three industry veterans, insights from key influencers and decision makers, and detailed case studies from around the world, this book offers practical guidance on getting the most out of mobile advertising. Joe Herzog (Seattle, WA) is Senior Director of Local Search Products at Infospace, Inc., a leading mobile search, media, and technology company. Victor Melfi (Seattle, WA) is Chief Strategy Officer at Voicebox Technologies and an expert in technology strategy, direct marketing, and advertising. Chetan Sharma (Seattle, WA) is President of Chetan Sharma Consulting and a leading strategist and advisor to influential technology brands worldwide. "This necessary book is the kind of road map we all wish we had back in 2001. It will guide you to success in mobile advertising and help you cross the chasm from unproven to proven success for your brand. It will help technologists think about what they can bring to the table, and help investors think about where to invest." (Foreword, Mobile Advertising)--Greg Stuart, Former CEO, IAB, Coauthor, What Sticks |