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求职与跳槽指南Job Hunting and Career Change All-In-One For Dummies

求职与跳槽指南Job Hunting and Career Change All-In-One For Dummies

最 低 价:¥166.00

定 价:¥271.00

作 者:本社 著

出 版 社:未知


I S B N:9780470516119




this hands-on guide takes you through every aspect of finding andsecuring the job you want. from searching for vacancies through topreparing for the interview and making a strong impression, this bookhas it covered. key personal development techniques, such as neuro-linguistic programming, are featured alongside specific job-huntingadvice, helping you to develop a winning mindset and foster skills to
  take with you into your new career.



book i: plotting a course: your job and career plans ..
chapter 1: assessing career and work..
chapter 2: getting motivated.
chapter 3: demonstrating confidence in the workplace
chapter 4: asking yourself the right questions
book ii: showcasing yourself with a standout cv.
chapter 1: cvs and the changing world of recruitment
chapter 2: getting your cv out there
chapter 3: choosing the right format
chapter 4: contents that make a difference
chapter 5: winning with words
chapter 6: overcoming deadly dilemmas
chapter 7: moving from worksheets to your finished cv
chapter 8: a sampling of standout cvs
book iii: succeeding at interviews
chapter 1: understanding what interviewers want
chapter 2: polishing your performance
chapter 3: preparing great questions
chapter 4: talking about yourself and others..
. chapter 5: getting to grips with questions about your work
chapter 6: talking about why you want a new job
chapter 7: thriving under the pressure interview
chapter 8: handling hypothetical and analytical questions
chapter 9: succeeding at competency-based interviewing
chapter 10: taking control in unusual situations




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