作者介绍:John Brockman John Brockman is a writer, agent, and publisher of Edge, the "Third Culture" website (www.edge.org), the forum for leading scientists and thinkers to share their research with the general public. He is the author of By The Late John Brockman and The Third Culture and has edited several previous anthologies including The Next Fifty Years, Curious Minds, and My Einstein. He lives in New York City. |
INTRODUCTION Intelligent design : the faith that dare not speak its name The good fight The hoax of intelligent design and how it was perpetrated Consciousness : the Achilles heel of Darwinism? : thank God, not quite Human evolution : the evidence The "great" transition Intelligent aliens Why Darwin rejected intelligent design Unintelligent design Evolution and ethics Darwinism all the way down Intelligent design, science or not? How smart is the universe? Designing words Parental guidance required Evoliteracy AppExcerpt from the memorandum opinion of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, December 20, 2005 |