作者简介: James Shreeve is the author of The Neandertal Enigma: Solving the Mystery of Modern Human Origin, and coauthor of Lucy’s Child: The Discovery of a Human Ancestor. His articles have appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, Discover, National Geographic, Science, Smithsonian, and other publications. He has been a fellow of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and of the Alicia Patterson Foundation. Shreeve lives in South Orange, New Jersey. |
Prologue PART ONE 1. May 1998: "You Can Do Mouse" 2. The Secret of Life 3. Down Bungtown Road 4. Genesis 5. ]'he Code Breaker 6. This Guy Can Get Sequencers to Work 7. The Quieter World 8. H Flu PART TWO 9. A Hundred Million Customers 10. The Gene Hunter 11. All Hands 12. Dead onArrival 13. Venter Units 14. War 15. The Ides of March 16. He Doesn't Get It 17. The Hand of Man 18. Evil Boy 19. Chess Games 20. How toAssernble a Fly 21. Line 678 22. Dancing in Miami PART THREE 23. Getting to No 24. Things Being What They Are 25. A Garden Party 26. End Game Epilogue: A Beautiful Moment A Note on Sources Notes Acknowledgments |