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The Genome War基因战争

The Genome War基因战争

最 低 价:¥69.00

定 价:¥161.20

作 者:JamesShreeve 著

出 版 社:德加拉


I S B N:9780345433749

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  • The genome war
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      James Shreeve is the author of The Neandertal Enigma: Solving the Mystery of Modern Human Origin, and coauthor of Lucy’s Child: The Discovery of a Human Ancestor. His articles have appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, Discover, National Geographic, Science, Smithsonian, and other publications. He has been a fellow of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and of the Alicia Patterson Foundation. Shreeve lives in South Orange, New Jersey.


    The long-awaited story of the science, the business, the politics, the intrigue behind the scenes of the most ferocious competition in the history of modern science—the race to map the human genome.
      On May 10, 1998, biologist Craig Venter, director of the Institute for Genomic Research, announced that he was forming a private company that within three years would unravel the complete genetic code of human life—seven years before the projected finish of the U.S. government’s Human Genome Project. Venter hoped that by decoding the genome ahead of schedule, he would speed up the pace of biomedical research and save the lives of thousands of people. He also hoped to become very famous and very rich. Calling his company Celera (from the Latin for “speed”), he assembled a small group of scientists in an empty building in Rockville, Maryland, and set to work.
      At the same time, the leaders of the government program, under the direction of Francis Collins, head of the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health, began to mobilize an unexpectedly unified effort to beat Venter to the prize—knowledge that had the potential to revolutionize medicine and society.
      The stage was set for one of the most thrilling—and important—dramas in the history of science. The Genome War is the definitive account of that drama—the race for the greatest prize biology has had to offer, told by a writer with exclusive access to Venter’s operation from start to finish. It is also the story of how one man’s ambition created a scientific Camelot where, for a moment, it seemed that the competing interests of pure science and commercial profit might be gloriously reconciled—and the national repercussions that resulted when that dream went awry.



    1. May 1998: "You Can Do Mouse"
    2. The Secret of Life
    3. Down Bungtown Road
    4. Genesis
    5. ]'he Code Breaker
    6. This Guy Can Get Sequencers to Work
    7. The Quieter World
     8. H Flu
     9. A Hundred Million Customers
     10. The Gene Hunter
     11. All Hands
     12. Dead onArrival
     13. Venter Units
     14. War
     15. The Ides of March
     16. He Doesn't Get It
     17. The Hand of Man
     18. Evil Boy
     19. Chess Games
     20. How toAssernble a Fly
     21. Line 678
     22. Dancing in Miami
     23. Getting to No
     24. Things Being What They Are
     25. A Garden Party
     26. End Game
    Epilogue: A Beautiful Moment
    A Note on Sources




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