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Interconnecting the Network of Networks网络群之网络互连

Interconnecting the Network of Networks网络群之网络互连

最 低 价:¥447.30

定 价:¥497.00

作 者:Eli M. Noam  著

出 版 社:


I S B N:9780262140720



作者介绍:Eli M. Noam
  Eli M. Noam is Professor of Finance and Economics at the Columbia University Graduate School of Business and Director of the Columbia Institute for Tele-Information.


This book describes the transformation of telecommunications from national network monopolies to a new system, the network of networks, and the glue that holds it together, interconnection. By their very nature, monopoly-owned networks provided a small number of standardized, nationwide services. Over the past two decades, however, new forces in the world economy began to unravel this traditional system. The driving force behind the change was the shift toward an information-based economy. Especially for large organizations, the price, control, security, and reliability of telecommunications became variables requiring organized attention. Thus, monopoly began to give way to the "network of networks," the foundation of today's telecommunications and Internet infrastructure.
  Taking a broad, multidisciplinary perspective Eli Noam discusses the importance and history of interconnection policy, as well as recent policy reforms both within the United States and around the globe. Other important topics he discusses include interconnection prices, the unbundling of interconnection, and the technology of interconnection. He concludes with an examination of social and policy issues, including the free flow of content, universal service and privacy protection, and the future of telecommunications.



1 Interconnection as the Key to the Network of Networks
2 Interconnection as Tool for the Creation of Monopoly
3 Interconnection Policy as Tool to Establish Competition and Control Markets
4 Pricing of Interconnection and Access
5 Interconnection around the World
6 Unbundling the Network
7 Interconnection and Technology
8 Interconnection and the Flow of Content
9 Social Issues in the Interconnected Network: Universal Service and Privacy
10 Into the Future




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