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(描述逻辑中的非标准推理)Non-Standard Inferences in Description Logics

(描述逻辑中的非标准推理)Non-Standard Inferences in Description Logics

最 低 价:¥418.80

定 价:¥465.30

作 者:RalfKüsters 著

出 版 社:Oversea Publishing House


I S B N:9783540423973




  Description logics(DLs)are used to represent structured knowledge.Infe Fence services testing consistency of knowledge bases and computing subconcept/superconcept hierarchies are the main feature of DL systems.Intenslve research during the last fifteen years has led to highly optimized systems that allow to reason about knowledge bases efficiently.However,applications often require additional non—standard inferences to support both—the con-
struction and the maintenance of knowledge bases,thus making the inferenca procedures again incomplete.
This book,which is a revised version of the author's PhD thesis,constitutes a significant step to fill this gap by providing an excellent formal foundation of the most prominent nonstandard inferences.The descriptions given include precise definitions,complete algorithms and thorough complexi—ty analysis.With its solid foundation,the book also serves as a basis for future rsearch.



1. Introduction
2. Description Logics
2.1 History
2.2 Syntax and Semantics of Description Logics
2.2.1 Concept Descriptions
2.2.2 Terminologies(TBoxes)
2.2.3 World Descriptions(ABoxesl
 2.3 Standard Inferences
 2.4 Decision Algorithms
3. Non-Standard Inferences
 3.1 LCS and MSC
  3.1.1 Definition of LCS and MSC
  3.1.2 Applications of LCS and MSC
  3.1.3 Previous Results
  3.1.4 New Results
 3.2 Matching
  3.2.1 Definition of Matching Problems
  3.2.2 Applications of Matching
  3.2.3 Solutions of Matching Problems
  3.2.4 Previous Results
  3.2.5 New Results
 3.3 The Underlying Techniques
 3.4 Other Non.Standard Inferences
4. Characterizing Subsumption
 4.1 Subsumption in ALAr8
  4.1.1 A Graph—Based Characterization of SubSUmDtion
  4.1.2 A Description—Based Characterization of subsumDtion
 4.2 Subsumption in ACⅣ*
 4.3 Subsumption in AC£
  4.3.1 A Tree—Based Characterization of SubSUmDtion
  4.3.2 A Description—Based Characterization of SubsumDtion
5. LCS and MSC
 5.1 LCS for ACnS-Concept Descriptions
  5.1.1 The LCS in ACNS
  5.1.2 The LCS in C5
 5.2 LCS and MSC for ACN-Concept Descriptions
  5.2.1 Computing the LCS for ACN-Concept Descriptior
  5.2.2 Computing the MSC for ACN-Concept Descriptio
 5.3 LCS for ACN-Concept Descriptions
6. Matching
 6.1 Matching in ACNS
  6.1.1 Deciding the Solvability of Matching Problems
  6.1.2 Computing Minimal i-Complete Sets
  6.1.3 Computing Minimal d-Complete Sets
 6.2 Matching in ACX
  6.2.1 Deciding the Solvability of Matching
  6.2.2 Computing Minimal i-Complete Sets
 6.3 Matching in ACN
  6.3.1 Matching inNC
  6.3.2 Equivalence of ACN-Concept Descriptions
  6.3.3 Deciding the Solvability of Matching infCN
  6.3.4 Deciding the Solvability of Matching in ALg
  6.3.5 Computing i-Minimal Matchers in ACN
  6.3.6 Computing d-Minimal Matchers in ACN
7. Conclusion




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