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叔父的故事 The Tales of Uncle Remus

叔父的故事 The Tales of Uncle Remus

最 低 价:¥21.00

定 价:¥42.00

作 者:JuliusLester 著

出 版 社:Oversea Publishing House


I S B N:9780142407202



  JULIUS LESTER is an award-winning and critically acclaimed author of books for both adults and children.He has won numerous awards,including the Coretta Scott King Award,the Nowbery Honor Medal,the American Library Association Notable Book award,the Caldecott Honor Book award,and the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award,and was a finalist for the National Book award,the National Jewish Book Award,and the National Book Critics Award.His novel To Be a Slave is the the first Newbery Medal Honor Book By a black author.Mr.Lester llives in Massachusetts with his family.He teaches at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.


Lester's thoughtful preface to his retelling of the Joel Chandler Harris folktales elucidates the problems inherent in a project of this sort,which,unfortunately,this volume does not entirely resolve.Harris's stories are told in the Gullah dialect,often thought difficult by modern readers.In an attempt to preserve the tales,Lester has rewritten them in his own voice,often with references to"things that are decidedly contemporary,like shopping malls."Lester calls such references characteristic of black storytelling and admits they may be jarring.But his retelling is uneven.For example,in the same story the narrator tells us formally,"Early one morning,even before Sister Moon had put on her negligee,Brer Fox was up and moving around,"and then says in dialect,"Brer rabbit was sho'nuf'mad now."Harris's Brer Rabbit comes"pacin'down de roadlippity-clippity,clippity-lippitydez as sassy ez a jay-bird"while Lester's comes"strutting along like he owned the world."This collection is important as a way of introducing readers to the Harris tales; it also stands alone as a volume of wonderfully funny folktales.For many purists,though,it will not replace the original stories.Pinkney's drawings,both black-and-white and color,nicely combine realistic detail and fancy.All ages.



Introduction by Augusta Baker
How the Animals Came to Earth
How Brer Fox and Brer Dog Became Enemies
"Hold'im Down,Brer Fox"
Brer Rabbit Comes to Dinner
Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby
Brer Rabbit Gets Even
Brer Rabbit and Sister Cow
Brer Wolf Tries to Catch Brer Rabbit
Brer Rabbit Finally Gets Beaten
Mr.Jack Sparrow Meets His End
Brer Rabbit Gets Caught One More Time
The Death of Brer Wolf
Brer Rabbit Tricks Brer Fox Again
Brer Rabbit Eats the Butter
Brer Rabbit Saves His Meat
Brer Rabbit of Brer Lion
Brer Rabbit Takes Care of Brer Tiger
Brer Lion Meets the Creature
The Talking House
Brer Rabbit Gets Beaten Again
Brer Rabbit Tricks Brer Brer
The End of Brer Brer
Brer Fox Gets Tricked Again
Brer Rabbit and the Little Girl
Brer Rabbit Goes Back to Mr.Man's Garden
Brer Rabbit Hears the Singing
Brer Rabbit's Riddle
The Moon in the Pond
Why Brer Bear Has No Tail
Wiley Wolf and Riley Rabbit
Brer Rabbit Gets The Money
The Cradle Didn't Rock
Brer Raabit to the Rescue
The Raabit in the Woods
Brer Wolf Gets the Meat Again
Brer Wplf Gets in More Trouble
Brer Rabbit Tells on Brer Wolf
Brer Rabbit and the Mosquitoes
How Brer Rabbit Became a Scary Monster
Brer Fox,Brer Rabbit,and King Deer's Daughter
Brer Rabbit Breaks Up the Party
Brer Rabbit Outwits Mr.Man
Brer Wolf,Brer Fox,and the Little Rabbits
Brer Rabbit's Luck




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