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The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking语言的突破

The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking语言的突破

最 低 价:¥38.70

定 价:¥90.00

作 者:DaleCarnegie 著

出 版 社:Simon & Schuster


I S B N:9780671724009



Dale Carnegie, known as 'the arch-priest of the art of making friends', pioneered the development of personal business skills, self-confidence and motivational techniques. His books have sold tens of millions worldwide and continue to do so even in today's markedly changed environment. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


Good public speakers are made, not born - or so thinks Dale Carnegie, the pioneer of personal business skills. Yet business, social and personal satisfaction depend heavily upon a person's ability to communicate clearly. Public speaking is an important skill which anyone can acquire and develop. It is also the very best method of overcoming self-consciousness and building up courage, enthusiasm and self-confidence. This classic, well established title has been called 'the most brilliant book of its kind'. It takes you step by step through: acquiring basic skills; developing confidence; speaking effectively the quick and easy way; earning the right to talk; vitalising your talk; and sharing the talk with the audience as well as organisation, presentation and other skills. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.






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