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Michael Phelps: The Untold Story of a Champion 菲尔普斯传

Michael Phelps: The Untold Story of a Champion 菲尔普斯传

最 低 价:¥49.60

定 价:¥60.00

作 者:Bob Schaller 等著

出 版 社:中国科学技术大学出版社


I S B N:9780312357375



作者简介:Former journalist Bob Schaller has written numerous articles for USA Swimming and its magazine, Splash. He is the author of several books, including NEVER STOP PUSHING: My Life from a Wyoming Farm to the Olympic Medals Stand, about Olympic gold medalist wrestler Rulon Gardner and WHAT THOUGH THE ODDS: Haley Scott’s Journey of Faith and Triumph. Visit his website at www.bobschaller.com.


Michael Phelps is an American sports hero, perhaps the greatest Olympic athlete the world has ever known. His unprecedented eight gold medals in the 2008 Summer Olympics have made him a superstar. But his journey to Olympic immortality is every bit as compelling as his achievements in the pool. From learning to cope with ADHD to the story of how Phelps became the greatest swimmer ever, Phelps' tale is told in full detail here for the first time.
The author, Bob Schaller, has known Phelps and his coach for more than eight years, and has extensively interviewed him, along with his mother, sisters, coach, and teammates. Filled with revelations, career statistics, photographs, and insightful analysis of how Phelps achieved the seemingly impossible, this is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn the complete story behind the legend.



Foreword by Jason Lezak, 2008 Olympic Double-gold Medal Relay Swimmer
Preface: Let the Games Begin: China, 2008 Acknowledgments
Introduction by Rowdy Gaines, Three-time Olympic
Gold Medalist and NBC Commentator
Part I
Chapter 1: Raised by a Single Morn and Two Amazing Sisters
Chapter 2: The Family that Swims Together:The Push to 2000 for the Phelps Siblings
Chapter 3: The Architect Behind the Plan:Coach Bob Bowman
Chapter 4: Quest for History, Take l: Athens, 2004
Chapter 5: Becoming a Young Man:Life at the University of Michigan
Chapter 6: The "Thorpedo" on Swimming's Radar
Chapter 7: Omaha, Nebraska:No Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 8: Mark Spitz: Michael, Watch Out in the 100 Butterfly
Chapter 9: What Could Go Wrong?
Chapter 10: China Takes World's Center Stage
Part II
Chapter 11: Beijing 2008: Saturday, August 9
Chapter 12: Sunday, August 10: Finals, 400 IM
Chapter 13: Monday, August 11: Finals, 4 x 100 Relay
Chapter 14: Tuesday, August 12: Finals, 200 Freestyle
Chapter 15: Wednesday, August 13: Finals, 200 Butterfly and 800 Free Relay (4 x 200)
Chapter 16: Thursday, August 14:No Finals, but Little Time to Rest
Chapter 17: Friday, August 15:Finals, 200 Individual Medley
Chapter 18: Saturday, August 16: Finals, 100 Butterfly Chapter tg: Sunday, August 17: Finals, 4 x 100 Medley Relay
Chapter 20: U.S. Women Make Their Own History
Chapter 21: Live, from China: A Family Affair
Chapter 22: From the Great Wall, to the Great Beyond
Appendix A: Glossary of Terms
Appendix B: Strokes
Appendix C: Major Events on the U.S. Swim Calendar
Appendix D: Author Interview
Appendix E: Phelps' Career Statistics
Appendix F: June 30: A Day that Brought the World Michael Phelps--and a Whole Lot More




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